How Can You Save A Negotiation From Collapsing?

You can bring a deal back from the brink with the right actions

As negotiators, we all believe that when we reach the end of a negotiation and have a deal that both sides can agree to, the deal is done. This is the time that we start to pack up our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques and move on to our next negotiation. However, there will be … Read more

How To Claim Your Fair Share In Your Next Negotiation

You need to claim your fair share during your next negotiation

Every negotiation that we are involved in has two different components to it. The first is what is called “value creation”. This is, as its name implies, the process by which we attempt to put more issues on the table – we try to make the negotiation become bigger. The other part is called “value … Read more

The Top 10 Skills Every Negotiator Needs To Have

Negotiators need to have these skills in order to get the deals that they want

As negotiators, our goal whenever we are starting a negotiation is to find a way to get the best deal possible. This is not always an easy thing to make happen. The best negotiators are the ones who can use their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to both create value during the negotiation and then … Read more

What Does It Take To Feel Good About A Negotiation?

So here’s an interesting question for you: what is the goal of your next negotiation. Yes, yes, I know that you want to walk away from the table with a good deal (and so does the other side), but is that really your goal for the negotiations? Do you think that it would be possible … Read more

How To Manage A Negotiation Phone Call

Have you ever wondered how a negotiation that takes place on the phone starts? I guess the answer is pretty obvious – someone calls you. However, what a lot of us don’t realize is that when we receive this call, we are the ones in control – not the person who is calling us. You … Read more

Video: Succeed By Bringing The Ghost Whisperer To The Negotiation

Dr. Jim Anderson explains why it can be so difficult to reach an agreement during a negotiation — there are ghosts in the room! Dr. Anderson shows that the other side of the table has to make sure that many parties have their needs met by any agreement that is reached. He shows you how … Read more

Haggling Is Becoming A Part Of Every Sales Deal

Welcome to the new world order: consumers are learning to haggle. In the extended global economic recession, consumers who never used to even think about bargaining are suddenly starting to haggle over every deal. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? What Businesses Are Being Hit? As you might expect, haggling has arrived … Read more

Even More Giving: 5 More Ways Sales Negotiators Can Use Concessions

You can never say it too many times: in order to reach an agreement with the other side during a sales negotiation, you ALWAYS have to make some sort of concession(s). The trick to doing this correctly is to make sure that you don’t make so many concessions that when a deal is struck that … Read more