What Type Of Negotiation Should You Use Next Time?

Picking the right type of negotiation is key to getting the deal you want

Let’s face it, by now you realize that not every negotiation is the same. Each and every negotiation that we engage in has its own set of characteristics and qualities that set it apart from all of the other negotiations that we’ve been part of. However, the good news here is that all of the … Read more

What Should Negotiators Do When The Good Cop / Bad Cop Shows Up?

Negotiators need to know how to identify and defuse this tactic

Ah, the good cop / bad cop tactic. You know, we’ve seen this used in so many different TV shows and movies that you would sorta think that everyone would recognize it when it was being used on them by now. However, that’s where you would be wrong. It turns out that this tactic is … Read more

2 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Next Negotiation

Every time that we enter into a negotiation, we always have one single goal in mind: how can I get more? We want to be able to walk away from the table with more than we arrived with. In order to make that happen, I have two valuable suggestions for you to use during your … Read more

Video: Succeed By Bringing The Ghost Whisperer To The Negotiation

Dr. Jim Anderson explains why it can be so difficult to reach an agreement during a negotiation — there are ghosts in the room! Dr. Anderson shows that the other side of the table has to make sure that many parties have their needs met by any agreement that is reached. He shows you how … Read more

5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of A Negotiation Team

The Challenge Of Managing A Team Of Negotiators Today’s sales negotiation sessions have become so complex that it’s almost too much for a single negotiator to handle. That’s one reason that more and more sales negotiators are being handled by teams of trained negotiators. This simplifies a lot of the record keeping and tactical details … Read more

To Team Or Not To Team, That Is The Question

Don’t you just love movies? Whenever there is a negotiation going on in a movie, be it with hostage takers or closing a big business deal, there is always the picture of the noble solitary sales negotiator doing his / her best to close the deal against almost impossible odds. Can you tell me what … Read more

Gang Negotiating: Does More People Make For Better Deals?

The next time that you are facing a situation that will require a sales negotiation, I’d like to ask you to stop for a moment and consider one important question: should you go it alone or should you bring others from your side along with you? Although you might think that you know the answer … Read more

Shut-Up Is What Sales Negotiators Need To Learn To Do!

Negotiation is all about power. The trick to walking away from a sales negotiation feeling satisfied about what you were able to achieve is to make sure that you walk IN to the negotiation with more negotiating power than the other side has. Sounds easy doesn’t it? I’ve been amazed  over and over again to … Read more

Succeed By Bringing The Ghost Whisperer To The Negotiation

So there you are, sitting across the the table from the other side starting a negotiation. If only you are able to use your considerable negotiating talents to convince them that what you want is best for them, then you’re sure to get what you want – right? Nope, it turns out that although you … Read more

Single vs Team Negotiation: Which Is Better?

Sorry – that’s a trick question. Most of the time when we talk about negotiating skills, we talk about how you can improve how YOU negotiate. However, in the real world, negotiations are often done by teams of negotiators. The reasons for this are fairly simple: negotiations more often than not can take a long … Read more