Dealing With The Challenge Of Cognitive Bias
Negotiators need to understand that sometimes we tend to rely on our intuition too often and we need to have strategies that will allow us to stop dong this
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Use Sales Negotiation And Persuasion Skills Effectively
Negotiators need to understand that sometimes we tend to rely on our intuition too often and we need to have strategies that will allow us to stop dong this
Negotiators who want to be able to reach a win-win agreement with the other side have to make sure that they understand what a win-win agreement is
Negotiators who find themselves in a situation where they may not be the right person to be conducting the negotiations need to be willing to bring in a third party to negotiate for them
Negotiators need to understand that we often rely too much on our intuition and what we need to do is to slow down and think logically
As negotiators, we understand that when we enter into a negotiation we need to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to both collaborate and compete with the other side of the table. It is our job to increase the pie of value for all parties, often by identifying differences across issues and making tradeoffs. … Read more
Negotiating is all about having a discussion with the other side while using your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques with the hope of changing the way that they see the world. As expected, this kind of change does not always happen easily – a negotiation can cause conflicts to occur. When an issue flares up … Read more
As negotiators we all understand that one of the most powerful tools that we have are concessions. However, it’s how we view concessions that really matters. All too often a negotiator can come to view concessions as being a big deal – they are something that has value to us and making a concession that … Read more
Every negotiation is a battle of wits between two sides. The other side needs you to do what they want you to do and so they’ll be trying to use a number of different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to make this happen. One technique that they may try to use on you is to … Read more
So here’s an interesting question for you: what is the goal of your next negotiation. Yes, yes, I know that you want to walk away from the table with a good deal (and so does the other side), but is that really your goal for the negotiations? Do you think that it would be possible … Read more
As we prepare for our next negotiation with all of its negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, it can be all too easy for us to focus on what we want to get out of the negotiation. I mean, that’s really why we’re going to go to the effort of participating, right? It turns out that … Read more