Reach An Agreement By Working Together To Discover Facts
If during a negotiation a roadblock is encountered, one way to resolve it is to have both parties engage in some joint-fact finding to get answers to open questions
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Use Sales Negotiation And Persuasion Skills Effectively
If during a negotiation a roadblock is encountered, one way to resolve it is to have both parties engage in some joint-fact finding to get answers to open questions
As negotiators we all want to get better. One of the challenges that we face in trying to do this is that we often don’t know what areas we should be working on. When you look at what negotiating consists of, there are many different areas such as negotiation styles and negotiating techniques and if … Read more
Can you picture yourself talking on the phone? If you are like me, it’s generally a scene of mass confusion. Sure I’m talking on the phone, but there is a very good chance that I’m doing a number of other things at the same time. These can include walking / running to get to some … Read more
Have you ever wondered how a negotiation that takes place on the phone starts? I guess the answer is pretty obvious – someone calls you. However, what a lot of us don’t realize is that when we receive this call, we are the ones in control – not the person who is calling us. You … Read more
Every negotiator should be using a deal book in order to keep track of all of the 100’s of tiny details that go on in every negotiation. So that you don’t forget or overlook anything, your deal book can act as both a checklist for the negotiation and as an organizer for your thoughts. Deciding … Read more
In order to reach a deal with the other side of the table, you are going to have to be flexible. However, this brings up the interesting question: just exactly how flexible are you going to have to be? The one thing that you don’t want to allow to happen is for the other side … Read more
If you think of a negotiation as a process that flows from beginning to end, then the first part of the process has to be preparation. We all know that it is not necessary to prepare for a negotiation – we probably know people who have just jumped into a negotiation without properly preparing (perhaps … Read more
As the captain of the Titanic, Edward John Smith, did a fairly good job of looking out for the parts of icebergs that were above water. What got him in the end is when the Titanic hit a part of an iceberg that he couldn’t see because it was below water. In negotiating, all too … Read more