A Checklist For Preparing For Your Next Negotiation

To get the deal that you want, you need to go in prepared

When it comes time for your next negotiation, will you do the most important thing to get ready? You know what I’m talking about – prepare! One of the biggest mistakes that negotiators make over and over again doesn’t have anything to do with their negotiation styles or negotiating techniques, instead it has to do … Read more

What Should Be On Your Negotiation Checklist?

Negotiators who go into a negotiation well prepared both create and claim value

As negotiators, every time that we enter into a negotiation we hope to be able to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to walk away with a deal that we can live with. However, in order for that to happen we have to have taken the time to prepare for the negotiation. All too … Read more

How Good Of A Negotiator Is President Donald Trump?

He wrote a book, but how good is he really at negotiating?

So first off let’s all agree on something: I don’t really care if you love or hate President Donald Trump. That’s not what I’m talking about. Instead, considering that he’s in a very powerful position in which he gets to talk to world leaders on a daily basis, I’m interested in how good of a … Read more

How To Close A Deal When You Have Already Tried Everything

Sometimes it can be very difficult to get to “closed”

So just exactly how does a negotiation end? Either both parties give up and walk away with no deal being reached, or you are somehow able to use your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to find a way to close the deal. It’s this deal closing thing that can be so tricky to do sometimes. … Read more

Tips For Closing A Negotiation Faster

As negotiators we are always under pressure by our management to “close the deal”. I think that we are open to wrapping up our current negotiation as quickly as possible. However, we face a number of issues in trying to accomplish this no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we use. For a number … Read more

Five Ways That Negotiators Can Deal With Tough Customers

In a negotiation if you want to be successful, you are going to have to quickly size up the other side of the table. There will be times that you discover that you are negotiating with someone who has decided to play it tough with you. Ok, there’s not that much that you can do … Read more

The Power Of Delays In A Negotiation

We all hate delays, right? No matter if it is when we are in traffic, waiting in a line at a store, or waiting for the next web page to load, any sort of delay is a bad thing. Or is it? It turns out that in a negotiation, sometimes a delay can be a … Read more

Why Fears And Wishes Are Not A Negotiator’s Friend

When you know that you are going to be entering into a negotiating situation, what’s the one thing that you don’t want to bring to the table with you? It has nothing to do with the negotiation styles or negotiating techniques that will be used during the negotiations. I can think of several things, however, … Read more

Deadlines Make Sales Negotiators Give It All Away

Every sales negotiation has some sort of time limit associated with it. You might have an hour, a day, or even longer to conduct the negotiations, but there is some point in time at which you’ll run out of time to talk. This is when most sales negotiations fall apart. The Problem With The End … Read more

Deadline? We Don’t Need No Stinkin Deadline…

What would the world of negotiating be without deadlines? I can tell you that Hollywood movies would lose a lot of their plot if the bad guys couldn’t set impossible deadlines for our heroes to try to meet. What about real life – why do people use deadlines while negotiating? It’s actually pretty simple, a … Read more