Negotiators Need To Learn How To Stop Deception In Negotiations

Prevent deception in a negotiation by discouraging the other side from trying

So – does the other side really mean what they are saying? Will they really do what they are promising to do? I’m pretty sure that you and I can’t tell. The reason that we are so bad at detecting deception is because the most common signs of deception, such grammatical errors and as increased … Read more

The Top 10 Skills Every Negotiator Needs To Have

Negotiators need to have these skills in order to get the deals that they want

As negotiators, our goal whenever we are starting a negotiation is to find a way to get the best deal possible. This is not always an easy thing to make happen. The best negotiators are the ones who can use their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to both create value during the negotiation and then … Read more

How To Use Price Anchoring In Your Next Negotiation

Price anchoring strategies can make or break your next negotiation

When we are involved in a negotiation that involves prices, we need to keep in mind that no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, it’s the first number that either side presets that will play an important determining factor in how the rest of the negotiation goes. It turns out that … Read more

How Can A Negotiator Save A Deal From Collapsing?

Negotiators need to know how to bring a deal back from the dead

So just exactly when is a negotiation over? I’m pretty sure that by now you know that this is a loaded question – a negotiation is never over. Even after we’ve been able to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to reach a deal with the other side, we still need to make sure … Read more

Negotiators Know How To Use MESOs To Get What They Want

Several offers are generally better than just one offer

Let’s face it, during a negotiation things can go wrong. You were making progress using your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to work towards reaching a deal one minute and then all of a sudden you find yourself staring at an impasse. You have made offers to the other side, they have made offers to … Read more

How To Avoid Being Overconfident In Your Next Negotiation

Being overconfident can affect your judgement during a negotiation

In addition to different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques there are a number of different things that negotiators need to be able to deal with during a negotiation. Being overconfident is one of these. What we need to understand is that if we allow ourselves to become overconfident, then there is a good chance that … Read more

How To Create Value In Your Next Negotiation

Negotiators want to find ways to expand the pie

Negotiators want to find ways to expand the pie Image Credit: Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash Negotiators view every negotiation as a type of game. They show up ready to use their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to compete with the other side in order to see who can walk away being a winner. … Read more

How To Make Anchoring Work For You During A Negotiation

Anchoring can be used during a negotiation to reduce risk

During a negotiation, sometimes something amazing happens. When one side presents a number to the other side, that side can all of suddenly end up irrationally fixating on that first number that was put forth at the bargaining table. This number is called “the anchor”. The other side (or us) can become fixated with it … Read more

How To Manage Expectations When You Are Negotiating

A negotiator always has to manage the other side's expectations

When you jump into a negotiation, do you know what you want to get out of the negotiation? Perhaps a much more important question is does the other side have a set of expectations regarding what they want to get out of the negotiations no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are used? It … Read more

What Does Logrolling Have To Do With Negotiating?

Logrolling provides opportunities to generate mutual gains

When we enter into a negotiation, we are thinking about one thing: what we’d like to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to get out of the negotiation. Let’s face it, we’re rather self-centered when it comes to planning how our next negotiation is going to turn out. As I’m pretty sure that we … Read more