What Can Principal Agent Theory Teach Negotiators?

Is there a gap between you and your agent's incentives?

There are times when something is being negotiated that we choose to not go it alone. Instead, we decide that we need some help. When this happens we may bring in an agent to represent us to the other side . However, this can cause problems. If you do this, you wonder whether you can … Read more

How To Negotiate With People That You Don’t Get Along With

Emotional reactions can prevent us from negotiating well

That negotiating thing is difficult enough without having to deal with all of the different people involved. However, we need to admit that there will be times that no matter how difficult a negotiation is and no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we are using, it will really be the people that we … Read more

Three Examples Of Negotiating Failures

Negotiators can learn a lot from negotiations that fail

As negotiators, every time that we go into a negotiation, we are optimistic that we are going to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to be successful. We believe that we’re going to be able to work with the other side of the table and come up with a deal that both sides can … Read more

Secrets To Becoming A Better Negotiator

5 secrets to becoming a better negotiator

No matter how good of a negotiator you think that you currently are and what negotiation styles and negotiating techniques you use, we all know that we can become better. The struggle that we all have is that too often we don’t know how we can become better. Since we don’t know this, we can … Read more

How To Claim Your Fair Share In Your Next Negotiation

You need to claim your fair share during your next negotiation

Every negotiation that we are involved in has two different components to it. The first is what is called “value creation”. This is, as its name implies, the process by which we attempt to put more issues on the table – we try to make the negotiation become bigger. The other part is called “value … Read more

Bargaining Strategies When You’re Dealing With A Fixed Pie

To claim your fair share, you have to first take the time to prepare properly

As negotiators, we understand that when we enter into a negotiation we need to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to both collaborate and compete with the other side of the table. It is our job to increase the pie of value for all parties, often by identifying differences across issues and making tradeoffs. … Read more

Dealing With The Challenge Of Online Dispute Resolution Using AI

When we negotiate online, we need to find ways to deal with disputes

Let’s face it, negotiating has never been easy to do and with the arrival of the Covid-19 virus, it just suddenly became a lot harder. These days nobody really wants to sit in a closed room for a long time with a group of people who may or may not have been practicing safe social … Read more

How Your Last Deal Could Harm Your Next Deal

Your pride about your last negotiation may harm your next negotiation

So first off – congratulations! The last negotiation that you were involved in went very well. You were able to use your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to get a deal that you feel proud of and you’ve been congratulated by everyone you know for conducting a professional negotiation. Right about now you are probably … Read more

How Should Negotiators Respond To Threats?

Negotiators need to know how to react when they are threatened

So a negotiation is a business discussion that occurs between two adults, correct? Well, in a lot of cases this is a correct statement. However, there are times when things can become heated during a negotiation. When one side feels as though they are not getting their way, they start to look for ways that … Read more

Four Things About Negotiating That Are Not True

Negotiating myths can prevent us from becoming better negotiators

Every negotiator wants to become better. However, the big question that we all face is how to go about doing this. For some of us, reading books on negotiations or attending negotiations can expose us to new negotiation styles and negotiating techniques. However, it turns out that most of us would benefit the most if … Read more