How To Manage Expectations When You Are Negotiating

A negotiator always has to manage the other side's expectations

When you jump into a negotiation, do you know what you want to get out of the negotiation? Perhaps a much more important question is does the other side have a set of expectations regarding what they want to get out of the negotiations no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are used? It … Read more

How Negotiators Can Deal With “The Winner’s Curse”

So how can you make sure that you don’t get a worse deal than you deserve?

What would the perfect negotiation look like to you? Would it happen if you sat down at the negotiating table, presented the other side with an offer without using any of your negotiation styles or negotiating techniques, they accepted it and everything was over and done? Immediately sensing that you asked for too little, you … Read more

Things That Can Trip Up A Negotiation At The Last Minute

We’ve all been there. We’ve been working on a negotiation with the other side for what now seems like forever. We’ve worked our way through issue after issue using all of our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques and we now believe that they’ve all been resolved to both side’s satisfaction. Both sides have been careful … Read more