Learning To Use Anchors In A Negotiation

Negotiators need to learn how to defuse the anchoring bias and make smart first offers

If you’ve been doing any negotiating, then you’ve probably heard the term “anchoring”. This, of course, brings up the question “what exactly is anchoring in negotiation, and how does it play out at the bargaining table?” If you want to become a better negotiator, then you are going to have to learn how to use … Read more

How To Make Anchoring Work For You During A Negotiation

Anchoring can be used during a negotiation to reduce risk

During a negotiation, sometimes something amazing happens. When one side presents a number to the other side, that side can all of suddenly end up irrationally fixating on that first number that was put forth at the bargaining table. This number is called “the anchor”. The other side (or us) can become fixated with it … Read more

How To Use The Anchoring Bias To Get A Negotiation Off To A Good Start

The negotiator who makes the first offer often gets the better deal

In the world of negotiating there are number of classic questions that we all deal with each time we start a negotiation. One of the biggest is whether or not we should be the ones who make the first offer. The answer to this question is generally “yes” – lots of research has gone into … Read more

The Role Of Anchoring Bias In A Negotiation

Anchors can change how a negotiation turns out

If ever there was a fundamental question in negotiation, it would probably not be which negotiation styles or negotiating techniques to use, but rather it would have to be the classic “should I make the first offer or wait for the other side to make the first offer” question. For the longest time, the thinking … Read more