Making The Most Of A Weak BATNA
Negotiators with weak BATNAs need to move carefully and find ways to try to maximize their position and get the deal that they are seeking
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Use Sales Negotiation And Persuasion Skills Effectively
Negotiators with weak BATNAs need to move carefully and find ways to try to maximize their position and get the deal that they are seeking
Negotiators want to find ways to expand the pie Image Credit: Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash Negotiators view every negotiation as a type of game. They show up ready to use their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to compete with the other side in order to see who can walk away being a winner. … Read more
During a negotiation, sometimes something amazing happens. When one side presents a number to the other side, that side can all of suddenly end up irrationally fixating on that first number that was put forth at the bargaining table. This number is called “the anchor”. The other side (or us) can become fixated with it … Read more
If there is one thing that all negotiators know and understand is that in order to be able to reach a deal with the other side, you first have to be able to trust them. We also understand that during the course of a negotiation, trust is something that may develop naturally over time. However, … Read more
Just imagine the next negotiation that you are going to be involved in. You sit down at the table, you have your notes easily available to you, you’ve done your homework and you know who’s going to be negotiating with you today, you know what negotiation styles and negotiating techniques you want to use, and … Read more
What do you think the other side of the table is looking to get out of their negotiation with you? A lower price? More quantity? Better delivery dates? These may all be true, but deep down inside what the other side wants to walk away from the table after all of the negotiation styles and … Read more
As we prepare for our next negotiation with all of its negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, it can be all too easy for us to focus on what we want to get out of the negotiation. I mean, that’s really why we’re going to go to the effort of participating, right? It turns out that … Read more
A quick show of hands please: who among us likes taking risks? Hmm, not very many hands are up. That’s pretty much par for the course. However, no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, risk plays a big part in every negotiation that we take part in. In fact, risk is … Read more
Often when I’m working with new negotiators, they’ll ask me the classic question “how do I negotiate?” This is a fair question – even if it is a bit broad. We all negotiate every day even if we don’t really realize that we are doing it. What my students are really asking me is how … Read more
Risk is a funny thing. A lot of us would like to be able to live a life that was filled with certainty. We’d like to know what was going to happen today as well as tomorrow. However, as we all know, life really doesn’t work that way. We understand the simple truth that everything … Read more