Learn How To Deal With The Good Cop / Bad Cop Negotiation Strategy

You need to learn how to identify and defuse this persuasion ploy

In the world of negotiating, despite all of the different principled negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that get used, there are a number of tactics that have achieve classic status. One such technique is called the “good cop / bad cop” approach. You’ll encounter this when you sit down to negotiate and one member of … Read more

To Be Successful In A Negotiation, Do Women Need To Learn To “Lean In”?

Women need to learn how to create more value during a negotiation

Negotiating is hard. Negotiating when you are a woman is even harder. Historically women have not been as aggressive as men. They have been willing to settle for what is offered to them. However, to truly be successful negotiators women need to start to think about what a man would be able to achieve in … Read more

How Can You Use The Right of First Refusal In A Negotiation?

Including a right of first refusal in a negotiation can create value

Negotiators are always looking for ways that they can get more value out of their next negotiation. Although there may be many different ways to accomplish this such as using different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, one way that we tend to overlook too often is by negotiating a right of first refusal. Just in … Read more

So Just Exactly How Are We Supposed To Get To Yes?

Getting to "yes" is a journey that you need to know how to navigate

As negotiators, there are a few books that I’m guessing that we have all pretty much read. One of the classic negotiating books that everyone should have on their shelves is “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In”. In this book, the authors explained that negotiators don’t have to choose between either waging a … Read more

How To Use The Anchoring Bias To Get A Negotiation Off To A Good Start

The negotiator who makes the first offer often gets the better deal

In the world of negotiating there are number of classic questions that we all deal with each time we start a negotiation. One of the biggest is whether or not we should be the ones who make the first offer. The answer to this question is generally “yes” – lots of research has gone into … Read more

Do You Know How Your Mood Affects Your Negotiation?

We need to understand the connections among emotions, negotiators, and decision making

Let’s face it – you can’t negotiate without having some emotions come into play. We all tend to get upset, excited, depressed, and elated at different times during a negotiation because of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are involved. Without a lot of surprise it turns out that the people who study such … Read more

Tips For Negotiating Online

The challenge of negotiating online is trying to generate rapport

When we enter into a negotiation, we are facing a number of different challenges. One of the biggest can be cultural barriers to communication if the other side comes from a different background than you do. In order to overcome such issues, we need to find different ways to use our negotiation styles and negotiating … Read more

How To Create A Win-Win Negotiation

Learn to use negotiation strategies to make both sides satisfied

So I’ve got a quick question for you: what’s the goal of your next negotiation? I’m pretty sure that you’re going to tell me that you want to be able to reach a deal with the other side. I’d say that not only do you want to reach a deal with them, but you want … Read more

How To Create Mutually Beneficial Agreements During A Negotiation

A mutually beneficial agreement is all about creating and claiming value

It goes without saying that when we sit down at the negotiating table, both sides have a different view of the world. We both want something and in order to get what we want, the other side is going to have to be willing to give something up. The fact that we all have different … Read more

Dealing With Conflict During A Negotiation

When conflict arises during a negotiation, it needs to be resolved

Negotiating is all about having a discussion with the other side while using your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques with the hope of changing the way that they see the world. As expected, this kind of change does not always happen easily – a negotiation can cause conflicts to occur. When an issue flares up … Read more