Dealing With Conflict During A Negotiation

When conflict arises during a negotiation, it needs to be resolved

Negotiating is all about having a discussion with the other side while using your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques with the hope of changing the way that they see the world. As expected, this kind of change does not always happen easily – a negotiation can cause conflicts to occur. When an issue flares up … Read more

Negotiators Need To Fall In Love With The Number 3

There is a power associated with the number three

We are all human. What this means is that for some odd and unexplained reason no mater which negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we are using, we all seem to like things that come in threes. In our world it seems as though all good things come in groups of three. Think about it, your … Read more

Sales Negotiators Know How To Avoid Getting Stuck

Have you ever been in a negotiation where things were not going very well for you? Where you and the other side of the table just seemed to get bogged down on a specific topic and couldn’t make any progress in the negotiations no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques you used? Well good … Read more