Good Negotiators Know The Importance Of A Memorandum Of Agreement

Negotiations can be long, drawn-out affairs. When the final agreements have been reached, all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are put away, and everyone stands up, shakes hands and leaves the room, right? No! There is one more important step in the whole negotiation process before you’re done – you need to create … Read more

How To Successfully Close A Negotiation

Who among us doesn’t like to negotiate? I mean just try to picture the rush of energy that you feel as you sit down to a negotiation. Ponder the clever tactics that you’ll get to use. Imagine the artful negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that the other side may use that you’ll have to detect … Read more

Good Sales Negotiators Know Not To Fear A Deadlock

What’s the one thing that negotiators fear the most? Not being able to reach a deal with the other side – this would mean that we’ve wasted everyone’s time with our negotiations. There are a lot of different terms to describe this situation, but the one that strikes fear in everyone’s heart is “deadlock” simply … Read more

Avoid A Deadlock By Making Your Negotiation Bigger

One of the reasons that negotiations can end up in a deadlock is because what we are discussing becomes too small. There are only a few issues on the table and we just can’t agree on them. As a sales negotiator, what you need to do when this happens is to make the negotiations bigger! … Read more

How Negotiators Can Use The United Nations To Fix Deadlocks

Let’s face it: in any negotiation, a deadlock can occur. We’d like to think that we are skillful enough as negotiators that we could prevent it; however, the reality is that any negotiation can grind to a halt. When this happens, maybe it’s time for you to call in the United Nations in order to … Read more

Why Negotiators Need To Negotiate With Everyone Who Is On The Other Side Of The Table

Just exactly who are these negotiations being conducted with? If I asked you this question, you’d probably tell me that you are negotiating with the other side of the table. You’d be both right and wrong. The negotiation process is much more complicated and you need to understand why if you are going to reach … Read more

When Is It Time To Switch Negotiators?

Have you ever been engaged in a negotiation in which things just didn’t seem to be going very well? Eventually everything ground to a halt and you realized that the negotiation had hit a deadlock? Were you able to determine why this had happened? I almost hate to bring this up, but is there a … Read more

Good Negotiators Know How To Change Dissatisfaction Into Satisfaction

One of the most important questions that every negotiator needs to be considering during a negotiation is just exactly why the other side of the table is there. What are they really hoping to get out of the investment of time and energy that they are putting into this negotiation? Ultimately, they are looking to … Read more

When Is It Time To Bring In The Mediator?

Image Credit I’d like to be able to tell you that there is nothing in this world that two negotiators can’t work out between themselves. I said that I’d like to be able to tell you this, but I can’t because it’s not true. The sad truth of the matter is that in certain circumstances, … Read more

Successful Negotiators Know What Money Looks Like

In the end, just about every negotiation comes down to one thing: money. You would think that we could all agree on just exactly what this thing that we call money looks like, but there you would be wrong. Forget everything that you’ve learned about different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques. Instead for just a … Read more