4 Ways That Negotiators Can Use A Deadline To Get What They Want

Life is filled with deadlines and negotiations are no different. What this means for us negotiators is that we need to find a way to make deadlines work for us, not against us. In order to make this happen, we need to know just a bit about how deadlines work and I know 4 ways … Read more

Good Sales Negotiators Know Not To Fear A Deadlock

What’s the one thing that negotiators fear the most? Not being able to reach a deal with the other side – this would mean that we’ve wasted everyone’s time with our negotiations. There are a lot of different terms to describe this situation, but the one that strikes fear in everyone’s heart is “deadlock” simply … Read more

How “The Switch” Can Trip Up Even The Best Negotiator

Thank goodness that negotiation is over! All of the use of different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques is now done. Finally, you’ve been able to reach an agreement with the other side of the table and you even shook hands on the deal that you’ve negotiated. Your job is done. Or is it? It turns … Read more