Negotiators Know How To Get A Deal Into Shape

So there you are, you’ve just presented what you think should be an acceptable deal to the other side of the table and yet it doesn’t look like they are going to go for it. What gives? Experienced negotiators know that sometimes during negotiations the other side of the table can be made to agree … Read more

When “Yes” Means “No” And What To Do About It

What is the goal of any negotiation? The negotiation definition says that the ultimate goal is simply to reach a deal with the other side. Ah ha! Now this is where things start to really get interesting – after you’ve sorted through all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that both sides have used, … Read more

I’ve Met The Negotiating Devil And He Lives In the Details

You can trust the other side of the table when you are negotiating with them, right? I mean sure, we’ll all try to get a leg up during the negotiations and use as many negotiation styles and negotiating techniques as we possibly can in order to get the best deal, but once the negotiation process … Read more

The Ultimate Sales Negotiating Goal: A Shared Vision

The goal of any negotiation is to get the other side of the table to see things your way. Hmm, how are we going to make that happen? What you are going to have to do is to become skilled at finding ways to support the position that you are taking. In order to get … Read more

The Ultimate Sales Negotiating Goal: A Shared Vision

The goal of any negotiation is to get the other side of the table to see things your way. Hmm, how are we going to make that happen? What you are going to have to do is to become skilled at finding ways to support the position that you are taking. In order to get … Read more

Sales Negotiators Ask “Do You See What I See…”?

The goal of any negotiation is to get the other side of the table to see things your way. Hmm, how are we going to make that happen? What you are going to have to do is to become skilled at finding ways to support the position that you are taking. In order to get … Read more

Why A Missing Person May Be A Negotiator’s Best Friend

Is it possible that a person who is not present at a negotiation could be the one person who controls how the negotiation turns out? The answer, somewhat surprisingly, turns out to be an unequivocal yes! If you want to make this negotiating technique work for you (and learn how to defend against it), we’re … Read more

Going Up? How Sales Negotiators Deal With Escalation

Just when you think that you’ve got everything nailed down in a sales negotiation, you just might run into the issue of escalating authority. Sure you’ve reached a deal with the other side of the table, but then all of a sudden somebody else gets involved and it turns out that they don’t like your … Read more

What Does “Take It Or Leave It” Mean In A Sales Negotiation?

The one thing that you never want to hear during a sales negotiation is the other side of the table telling you to “… take it or leave it.” It sure doesn’t seem as though you have any other options when they tell you this. Or do you…? The Power Of 5 Words Nothing can … Read more

Quick Close Negotiating: 4 Ways To Get There Faster

I’m pretty sure that any sales negotiator who was given a choice would always choose to close a deal quicker rather than slower. Sure, there are probably some masochists out there, but let’s assume that everyone else would choose the quicker option. Great, now just exactly how do we go about doing this? Bring The … Read more