Negotiators Need To Know How To Close The Deal

In order to get what you want, you need to know how to close the deal

Negotiators know that the real challenge to a negotiation comes at the end. No matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques have been used during the negotiation, in the end it all comes down to the closing. Can you get the other side to agree to do a deal with you? As simple as this … Read more

When Should A Negotiator Show Their Hand During A Negotiation?

Information comes with both risks and rewards

As I’m pretty sure we all know, every negotiation that we engage in is all about information. What do we know, what don’t we know. For that matter, what does the other side know and what don’t they know? We all do our homework before the negotiation starts so that we’ll have as much information … Read more

What Is The Best Way To Use A BATNA During A Negotiation?

Know the bargaining tips that will help you make the most of your BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement.

If we want to become better negotiators, how can we go about doing this? It turns out that the best bargaining tips should offer ways to enhance your bargaining power in negotiation no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used. If we want to make this happen, then we must cultivate a … Read more

What Tips Does A Negotiator Need To Know In Order To Close A Deal?

I can think of nothing more frustrating than being involved in a negotiation where you just don’t seem to be able to move the discussions to a close no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques you use. You are putting the time, energy, and effort into the negotiations and yet the end point just … Read more

Getting The Other Side To Accept Change In A Negotiation

As negotiators it is our job to make change happen as a result of our negotiation. The other side showed up with some expectations about how the negotiation was going to go and we’ll spend our time trying to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to change their minds about this. However, even when … Read more

How Negotiators Can Deal With Change

I often like to think about a negotiation as being very similar to being the pilot of an airplane. In order to keep the airplane flying, or for that matter to have any hope of landing it, you’ve got a lot of work to do. You have to make sure that the plane is going … Read more

A Negotiator’s Greatest Friend Is Time

The goal of any negotiation is for us to be able to walk away with the deal that we wanted to get no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques were used. The trick, as we all know, is just exactly how to go about making this happen. It turns out that if we want … Read more

During A Negotiation, Why Is It So Hard To Get The Other Side To Change Their Mind?

As negotiators, it is our goal to get the other side of the table to do something for us. In order to make this happen, when we sit down at the negotiating table we’ll try to use both rational arguments and common sense to get them to see things our way. However, all too often … Read more

Is It Possible That During A Negotiation Company Policy Could Be Your Best Friend?

More than one negotiation that I’ve been involved in I’ve found myself pushed into a corner. There were a lot of different reasons for how this had happened: I was dealing with a sole supplier, I was operating under a very tight deadline, they were better at using negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, etc. I … Read more

When Is It Time To Switch Negotiators?

Have you ever been engaged in a negotiation in which things just didn’t seem to be going very well? Eventually everything ground to a halt and you realized that the negotiation had hit a deadlock? Were you able to determine why this had happened? I almost hate to bring this up, but is there a … Read more