How Negotiators Can Deal With Change

I often like to think about a negotiation as being very similar to being the pilot of an airplane. In order to keep the airplane flying, or for that matter to have any hope of landing it, you’ve got a lot of work to do. You have to make sure that the plane is going … Read more

What Should A Negotiator Do When The Price Goes Up?

The one thing that just about any negotiator does not want to have to deal with during a negotiation is a price increase. Look, it’s hard enough to hold our position with the price that our product or service has right now, let alone having to deal with a 5%, 10%, or even higher price … Read more

Study Reveals How And When To Deliver Threats During A Negotiation

Sure, I know that it might not be the nicest part of whatever negotiation styles or negotiating techniques you prefer to use, but using threats to get your way in the next negotiations that you are involved in just might be what you need to do in order to get the deal that you are … Read more