Invite A Good Cop / Bad Cop To Your Next Negotiation

How does the other side of the table see you during a negotiation? Do you come across as being a nice guy? How’s that going for you – are your negotiations turning out the way that you want them to, or are the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you’ve been used resulting in negotiations … Read more

All Sales Negotiators Need To Know That Numbers Lie

There is something almost magical about hard numbers: we all seem to assume that they are correct when we are presented with them during negotiations. However, I want you to think back to when you were in school and you were working on your math homework. Did you always come up with the right answer … Read more

Why Fait Accompli Spells Bad News For Negotiators

When you enter into negotiations with somebody, the thought is that neither side is going to take action until the negotiations reach some sort of conclusion. We expect the other side to use all sorts of different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques during the discussions. However, sometimes either the other side or you do something … Read more

I’ve Met The Negotiating Devil And He Lives In the Details

You can trust the other side of the table when you are negotiating with them, right? I mean sure, we’ll all try to get a leg up during the negotiations and use as many negotiation styles and negotiating techniques as we possibly can in order to get the best deal, but once the negotiation process … Read more

How Negotiators Should Deal With Dirty Tricks: Escalation

Just how badly are you going to want to reach a deal during your next negotiation? Be very careful how you answer that question! It turns out that the other side may be able to maneuver you into a position where you’ll be willing to accept a deal that you really shouldn’t. “I’d never do … Read more