Secrets To Preparing For A Successful Negotiation

The ultimate goal of any negotiation is to be able to walk away from the table with the feeling that you were able to get what you came for. The trick is trying to understand just exactly how you can make that feeling happen. It turns out that the secret to conducting a successful negotiation … Read more

Sales Negotiators Know That It’s Ok To Not Understand Things

One of the great myths of sales negotiating is that you always have to know everything about everything. It turns out that even the great negotiators can’t do this. There are a whole bunch of reasons why, but the important fact is that it’s not possible to always be on top of everything. It’s what … Read more

The Most Important Word In Negotiating Begins With A “P”

All too often when we see negotiators in the movies, they are portrayed as slick, fast talking folks who always seem to effortlessly get their way. The first thing that we need to realize that this is the movies and so it in no way represents real life. The second thing that we need to … Read more

Why Sales Negotiators Need To Watch Out For The Give & Take

You may or may not realize it, but the other side of the table in a sales negotiation might be as smart or even smarter than you are. I say this not to make you worried, but rather to make sure that you remain aware throughout the entire negotiation. A good example of this is … Read more

Why Sales Negotiators Like Salami

Who doesn’t like packaged luncheon meat? Well, ok, maybe a lot of people don’t, but at least when I say the word “salami” everyone gets a mental image of what I’m talking about: one of those sausage looking things that you buy at the store and then proceed to slice off pieces as you make … Read more

2 “Never Fail” Secrets To Getting Your Way In A Sales Negotiation

Hey, did you read any of those Harry Potter books (or at least see one of the movies?) If you did, then you probably got drawn into the world of magic and wizards that the books are all about. It sure seems as though in these stories that there is a magic portion or a … Read more

5 Sales Negotiating Skills For You Should Be Working On Right Now!

Is it ever too early to talk about planning on what negotiating skills you should working on next? Hopefully not because that’s what I’d like to have chat with you about. In order to be a world-class sales negotiator, you have to master literally 100’s of different skills from learning how to mange your negotiating … Read more

Negotiators Know That Persistence (& Risk Taking) Pay Off

In this world there are two types of negotiators: the good ones and everyone else. The goal of any negotiator is to become a member of the group of good negotiators. The challenge is that the path to becoming a good negotiator is not always clear. However, there are two basic skills that lay on … Read more

The Chinese Guide To Sales Negotiation

Pity the poor American salesperson who goes out into the world of business and tries to negotiate. Sure, he/she is probably well equipped to negotiate with his / her American born-and-breed peers. I mean, after all, we share the same vocabulary, culture, and were brought up pretty much the same way. However, what happens when … Read more