Negotiators Need To Understand The Power Of Settling Out Of Court
There may be negotiations that come to a standstill and both sides are considering going to court to resolve issues if a settlement can’t be reached
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There may be negotiations that come to a standstill and both sides are considering going to court to resolve issues if a settlement can’t be reached
Negotiators who encounter a dispute that they can’t resolve can use a resolution option that could be either meditation, arbitration, or litigation
Let’s face it – a negotiation is tough work. However, if you want to make things just a little bit more difficult, then you can throw in some conflicts along the way and now you really have your work cut out for you. Negotiators can define conflict resolution as the informal or formal process that … Read more
Would it not be a wonderful world if during each of our negotiations, we were able to get along nicely with the other side of the table? Sure, there are always going to be things that we disagree on, but we’d always be able to work through them and eventually once again see each other … Read more
In this world in which we all live, it turns out that pretty much nothing is ever set in stone. In a negotiation, we tend to forget this basic fact. We work with the other side to find agreement on the individual issues that make up that which is being negotiated. Once an agreement on … Read more