The Problem With Different Cultures And Negotiations

Negotiating across cultures can be difficult to do

Every time that we start a negotiation, we begin with the best of intentions. It really does not matter who we are negotiating with. The other side can be from down the road or from around the world, we simply want to reach a good deal with them. However, when the other side comes from … Read more

The Challenge Of Getting Accurate Information In A Negotiation

If you want to have any hope of getting the deal that you are seeking out of your next negotiation, then you’re going to need some information in order to be able to make the right decisions. Yes, you’ll need to do some homework and see what you can find out about the other side … Read more

It’s The Information That You Collect That Determines The Deal That You’ll Get

So what’s the key to conducting a successful negotiation? Is it knowing the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you are going to need to get what you want? Is it making sure that you have all of the time in the world so that you can wait the other side out? It turns out … Read more

When Should You Start To Prepare To Negotiate?

When you know that you will be involved in a negotiation in the future, when should you start to prepare for that negotiation? If you are like most of us, using the techniques that we probably learned back in high school, we tend to put off the getting ready work until the date that the … Read more

Have You Done Your Homework Negotiator?

If you think of a negotiation as a process that flows from beginning to end, then the first part of the process has to be preparation. We all know that it is not necessary to prepare for a negotiation – we probably know people who have just jumped into a negotiation without properly preparing (perhaps … Read more