How To Deal With Negotiators Who Lie

Sometimes the other side may have a problem telling the truth

The goal of any negotiation is to find a way to reach an agreement with the other side of the table. The challenge that we run into during this process is that no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used we need to understand what the other side wants and the only … Read more

Negotiators Need To Fall In Love With The Number 3

There is a power associated with the number three

We are all human. What this means is that for some odd and unexplained reason no mater which negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we are using, we all seem to like things that come in threes. In our world it seems as though all good things come in groups of three. Think about it, your … Read more

How To Avoid Reaching An Impasse During A Negotiation

Negotiators need to learn how to steer clear of gridlock

The reason that we enter into a negotiation is because we want to be able to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to reach a deal with the other side. The challenge that we have is that what we want and what they want may be two very different things. The whole purpose of … Read more

Does It Pay To Get Angry During A Negotiation?

When negotiating, we need to consider the effect of our emotions on others

I can only speak for myself, but I have no problem sharing with you that during a negotiation I can become very, very frustrated with how things are going. No matter if your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are causing things to go too slow, go off in the wrong direction, or, even worse, not … Read more

Three Reasons Why Your Next Negotiation Could Fail

Every negotiation comes with its own set of potential pitfalls

Not every negotiation that we are involved in will work out for us. In fact, some of them will fail. When we think of failed negotiations, generally we picture negotiators walking away from the table in disappointment. It turns out that that’s only one type of disappointing negotiation. It turns out that there is another … Read more

Dealing With Deadlocks: How To Get Around An Impasse

When you have an impasse, you need to find ways to resolve it

It eventually happens to all of us: you are in the middle of negotiation when you realized that things have become deadlocked. There are a lot of different ways that you may have found yourself in this situation such as after both sides have used their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to exchange a series … Read more

Is “Lose-Lose” The Right Way To Conduct A Negotiation?

Sometimes we have to lose something to gain a closer relationship

When we negotiate, it’s all about winning. Our goal is to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to create a deal that the other side will agree with and which is a win for us. We can define a “win” in a lot of different ways: a lower price, a higher price, more time … Read more

Sales Negotiation Techniques That Work

Use the following four techniques to gain the advantage in your next negotiation

When you are negotiating a sale, you’d like to be able to use your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques get the other side to agree to the offer that you are making to them. There are a number of different ways to make this happen. In sales negotiations, making the first offer is often a … Read more

How To Close A Deal When You Are Negotiating

After you’ve tried everything, you need some suggestions on how to make a close happen

The reason that we are willing to invest the time in a negotiation is because we believe that by using our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques we’ll be able to eventually reach a deal with the other side. However, in order to make that happen, at some point in time the negotiations have to come … Read more

How To Negotiate A Mutually Beneficial Agreement

What does it take to create a deal that works for both sides?

We’ve all heard about mutually beneficial agreements, but can anyone say just exactly what they are? By one definition, a mutually beneficial agreement occurs when both sides of the table attempt to use their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to grab as much as they possibly can from the limited amount of items that are … Read more