Three Reasons Why Your Next Negotiation Could Fail

Every negotiation comes with its own set of potential pitfalls

Not every negotiation that we are involved in will work out for us. In fact, some of them will fail. When we think of failed negotiations, generally we picture negotiators walking away from the table in disappointment. It turns out that that’s only one type of disappointing negotiation. It turns out that there is another … Read more

Negotiation Tips For Buying A Car

It takes negotiating skills to correctly buy a car

When we think about negotiating, we tend to think about how to apply our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to business situations. We may be buying or selling supplies, purchasing a location, or trying to schedule the delivery of a product. However, it turns out that our negotiating skills are also useful for us when … Read more

How To Use Your ZOPA During A Negotiation

In a negotiation you need to know your zone of possible agreement (ZOPA)

When we start a negotiation, we are filled with hope that by using our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques we’ll be able to eventually walk away with a deal. However, during every negotiation we are faced with two possible mistakes we can make. The first is that we end up walking away from a deal … Read more

Good Sales Negotiators Know Not To Fear A Deadlock

What’s the one thing that negotiators fear the most? Not being able to reach a deal with the other side – this would mean that we’ve wasted everyone’s time with our negotiations. There are a lot of different terms to describe this situation, but the one that strikes fear in everyone’s heart is “deadlock” simply … Read more

Why A Missing Person May Be A Negotiator’s Best Friend

Is it possible that a person who is not present at a negotiation could be the one person who controls how the negotiation turns out? The answer, somewhat surprisingly, turns out to be an unequivocal yes! If you want to make this negotiating technique work for you (and learn how to defend against it), we’re … Read more

Learn To Say “No” From A Russian

So What’s So Hard About Saying “No”? As I work with sales negotiators and teams of negotiators I am constantly surprised by just how hard it is for them to say one simple word: “No” . I’m not sure if it’s the way that we’ve been raised or if we all have some built-in need … Read more