Do You Have A Responsibility To Deal With The Other Side’s Bias?
Negotiators need to realize that the other side may have a set of bias that they bring to a negotiation and we need to recognize and deal with this
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Use Sales Negotiation And Persuasion Skills Effectively
Negotiators need to realize that the other side may have a set of bias that they bring to a negotiation and we need to recognize and deal with this
Negotiators who want to do a better job of reaching a deal with the other side need to take the time to practice their listening skills
Negotiators who go into a negotiation with self-fulfilling prophecies can modify their behavior in ways that make the other side appear to be as they view them
I can only speak for myself, but I have no problem sharing with you that during a negotiation I can become very, very frustrated with how things are going. No matter if your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are causing things to go too slow, go off in the wrong direction, or, even worse, not … Read more
One of the more popular phrases that has been used during the past few years has been “emotional intelligence”. This term first burst into the cultural imagination in 1995 with the publication of psychologist Daniel Goleman’s book. Negotiation experts have predicted that scoring high on this personality trait would boost one’s negotiating outcomes and have … Read more
What do you need to do before a negotiation formally starts? Well, there are actually a number of different things that you should be doing, but one of the most important is to take a careful inventory of all of the “power assets” that will be potentially available to both sides during the negotiation. The … Read more
If you want to have any hope of getting the deal that you are seeking out of your next negotiation, then you’re going to need some information in order to be able to make the right decisions. Yes, you’ll need to do some homework and see what you can find out about the other side … Read more
During sales negotiations, how do you try to appear to the other side of the table? Tough? Impartial? Unmoved? All of these terms describe how we traditionally view a negotiator. However, it turns out that sometimes the other side of the table uses a type of emotional intimidation as one of their negotiation styles or … Read more