How To Use Framing In Your Next Negotiation

Framing means offering manageable options and using the contrast effect

As negotiators, our job during a negotiation is to understand what the other side is looking for and then make them an offer. The offer that we present to them will hopefully be what we consider to be a great deal for them. However, sometimes after we’ve made the offer, we’ll get the impression that … Read more

How To Create A Win-Win Negotiation

Learn to use negotiation strategies to make both sides satisfied

So I’ve got a quick question for you: what’s the goal of your next negotiation? I’m pretty sure that you’re going to tell me that you want to be able to reach a deal with the other side. I’d say that not only do you want to reach a deal with them, but you want … Read more

Negotiators Need To Fall In Love With The Number 3

There is a power associated with the number three

We are all human. What this means is that for some odd and unexplained reason no mater which negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we are using, we all seem to like things that come in threes. In our world it seems as though all good things come in groups of three. Think about it, your … Read more