Three Reasons Why Your Next Negotiation Could Fail

Every negotiation comes with its own set of potential pitfalls

Not every negotiation that we are involved in will work out for us. In fact, some of them will fail. When we think of failed negotiations, generally we picture negotiators walking away from the table in disappointment. It turns out that that’s only one type of disappointing negotiation. It turns out that there is another … Read more

How Negotiators Can Deal With “The Winner’s Curse”

So how can you make sure that you don’t get a worse deal than you deserve?

What would the perfect negotiation look like to you? Would it happen if you sat down at the negotiating table, presented the other side with an offer without using any of your negotiation styles or negotiating techniques, they accepted it and everything was over and done? Immediately sensing that you asked for too little, you … Read more

What Does It Take To Feel Good About A Negotiation?

So here’s an interesting question for you: what is the goal of your next negotiation. Yes, yes, I know that you want to walk away from the table with a good deal (and so does the other side), but is that really your goal for the negotiations? Do you think that it would be possible … Read more