Negotiators Need Both A Checklist And An Organizer

Every negotiator should be using a deal book in order to keep track of all of the 100’s of tiny details that go on in every negotiation. So that you don’t forget or overlook anything, your deal book can act as both a checklist for the negotiation and as an organizer for your thoughts. Deciding … Read more

The Power Of Bringing Documentation To A Negotiation

Guess what? You’ve been asked to participate in a negotiation. Great. Now what do you need to do in order to prepare for this negotiation? One thing that you are going to want to give some thought to is just exactly how you are going to be able to convince the other side of the … Read more

Turns Out Your Face May Determine How Good Of A Negotiator You Are

I wish that there was a way that when I first met the other side of the negotiating table that I could instantly size them up and know what negotiation styles, negotiating techniques I should use with them. I’d like to know how they were going to approach this negotiation: were they going to be … Read more

Getting The Information That You Need In Order To Prepare For A Negotiation

What we’d all like to have in our next negotiation is more control. The big question is how can get this? It turns out that the answer is fairly simple: we need to do a better job of preparing for the negotiation than the other side does. A big part of this preparation is obtaining … Read more

What Does A Negotiating “Game Plan” Really Look Like?

Our goal for any negotiation that we participate in is to be able to walk away with the best deal possible no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques were used.. However, all too often we go into a negotiation with no clear idea just exactly how we are going to achieve that goal. What … Read more

What Is Your “Vision” During A Negotiation?

Have you ever wrapped up a negotiation that didn’t end in a deadlock and yet still you felt disappointed? There is a very good possibility that what has happened here is that you entered into that negotiation without knowing what your bottom line vision was. For you see, if you don’t have a clear understanding … Read more

How To Use The Other Side’s Short-Term Thinking To Get More

When we are involved in a negotiation, just exactly where should our focus be? I mean, we enter into the negotiation with a very clear understanding of what kind of deal we’d like to be able to walk away from the negotiations with, but what happens during the negotiation? Perhaps even more importantly, what happens … Read more

What Is The Bottom Line In A Negotiation?

You would think that when we start a negotiation that we’d know what we wanted to accomplish no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques were being used. However, all too often this is not the case. What seems to trip us up is not having a clear understanding of just exactly what our “bottom … Read more

Why Negotiators Should Put A Dead Dog On The Table

Our goal as negotiators in our next negotiation is to get the other side of the table to agree to our proposals no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used. Unfortunately, all too often they don’t like what we are proposing and they decide to hold out to see if they can … Read more

When You Are Negotiating, It’s All About The Big Picture

A question that I am often asked by negotiators who are just starting out is what they should be concentrating on during a negotiation. Let’s face it, each negotiation that we are involved in consists of a lot of different moving parts and if you don’t know where your focus should be, your attention will … Read more