Negotiators Need To Master The Art Of Nibbling

So there is a very interesting question that all too often I think that we negotiators just don’t take the time to answer: when is a negotiation over? Your gut reaction is probably to say when the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques have been put away and the deal has been signed by both sides … Read more

A Nice Way For A Negotiator To Say “Take It Or Leave It”

I sure do like negotiating! Man, I could negotiate all day long using all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that I’ve learned.. However, as you are well aware, in every negotiation that we participate in, there comes a time when we are done. We’ve given in as much as we are willing to … Read more

Hey Negotiator, It’s “Crunch Time”

So how many times has this happened to you: you are involved in a negotiation and things are moving along just fine with lots of negotiation styles and negotiating techniques being used. Then all of a sudden, you come to a point in the discussion where things just seem to grind to a halt. There … Read more

Four Rules For Using Power Correctly In A Negotiation

When it comes to negotiating, power can be a funny thing. Yes, generally speaking the side of the table that has the most power is going to end up getting the best deal out of the negotiations. However, it turns out that it’s not enough to have power in a negotiation – you also have … Read more

How To Take Control Of A Negotiation

I’m sure that you’ve been involved in a negotiation in the past in which after you made it though all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that were being used, the thought of “who’s actually in control of this negotiation” ran through your head at some point in time. I know that this has … Read more

What Should A Negotiator Do AFTER The Negotiation Is Over?

Yea! The negotiation is over and done with (or at least this meeting that is a part of the negotiations is done with) and the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques have all been put away. Now you can go home, put your feet up, and relax until the next meeting. Hold on – it turns … Read more

Every Negotiation Needs A Scorecard

I can only speak for myself, but when I’m involved in a detailed negotiation, things can get pretty confusing very quickly with all of the different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are being used. There are a lot of different issues that need to be resolved as a part of reaching an agreement with … Read more

In Negotiating, It’s Really All About The Details…

Let’s face it, negotiating can be a very tricky thing to do well what with all of the different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are used. There are a lot of different reasons why negotiating can be hard to do, but one of the biggest is that there are just so many different things … Read more

Why Every Negotiator Should Have A “Deal Book”

Let’s face it: negotiating is a complicated process even before you start thinking about all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are involved. There may a number of different people involved, you may be discussing many different issues, and don’t even get me started on all of the dates and places that can … Read more