How To Not Be A Pushover In Your Next Negotiation

In order to reach a deal with the other side of the table, you are going to have to be flexible. However, this brings up the interesting question: just exactly how flexible are you going to have to be? The one thing that you don’t want to allow to happen is for the other side … Read more

Flexibility Is The Key To Negotiating The Deal That You Want

Our goal when entering into a negotiation with anyone is to be able to walk away with the best deal possible. Just exactly how to get from the beginning of a negotiation to that deal no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used is what we don’t always understand. This is exactly … Read more

Marketing Is Really A Part Of Every Negotiation

In most firms, the processes of negotiating is generally considered to be part of the sales arm of the company. However, if you want to be able to reach the best deals with the other side of the table it probably won’t be as a result of the negotiation styles or negotiating techniques that you … Read more

Learn To Think Long-Term In Your Next Negotiation

When we enter into a negotiation, it can be very easy for us to focus our attention on the deal that is on the table before us. After all, this is why we are spending the time on this negotiation and getting the deal that we want is what we have spent our time on … Read more

When You Are Negotiating, It’s All About The Bottom Line

So how is that negotiation going? Generally, speaking, no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, we judge our negotiating success with how the bottom line is looking. The bottom line is more often than not evaluated in financial terms. This is how most of us have been trained to evaluate a … Read more

Every Negotiating Issue Has Multiple Solutions

Although I’m sure that many of us have heard about negotiations that got hopelessly deadlocked, it turns out that in most cases a negotiation can always be kept on track so that you can reach a deal with the other side no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used. The key is … Read more

In A Negotiation, It’s Not What You Know, But What People Think You Know

I wish that I could tell you that I know everything that has to be known in this world. However, the truth is that I actually know very little when you consider all that there is to know. What this means is that when I walk into a negotiation, I’m really at a bit of … Read more

The Power Of Actual Knowledge

Rarely do negotiations just happen. Instead, they are planned well in advance and you’ve got plenty of time to get ready to participate in them and to deal with all of the different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you’ll encounter. What this means for you as a negotiator is that you need to make … Read more

In A Negotiation, Information Is Power

Every negotiation is about power. Who has it, who wants it, and where did it all go. As negotiators, we are always looking for negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we can use to become more powerful. It turns out that there is one simple way that we can make this happen: get more information. … Read more

The Role That Power Limits Play In Negotiations

In a negotiation, nobody is operating without constraints. We all have limitations on what we can and cannot do. It’s how we deal with these power limits that can have a big impact on the outcome of the negotiations. As negotiators, we need to understand that we are dealing with power limits and then come … Read more