What Can Go Wrong When You Write Down A Negotiated Deal?

As a negotiator, our goal is always to find a way to reach a deal with the other side. We spend a lot of time using all of our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to reach a common understanding that will allow a deal to be agreed to. However, once both sides have found the … Read more

Who Really Wins in “Win-Win” Negotiations?

In the world of negotiating, there are a number of books that everyone knows about. One such book is the justifiably famous “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In” book. Just about everyone has heard about this one and most of us have actually read it at one time or another. However, as we … Read more

How To Get The Deal That You Want In Your Next Negotiation

I think that it’s pretty safe to say that when we enter into a negotiation, we all have a fairly good idea of where we’d like to end up. However, the trick is finding out how to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to get from where we are to where we want to … Read more

What Are You Permitted To Do During A Negotiation?

As negotiators, we tend to spend our time thinking about what we are going to want to accomplish during our next negotiation. We’ll think about the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we are going to use, how the other side might react, etc. However, one of the things that we generally don’t spend any … Read more

What Rights Do You Have As A Negotiator?

As negotiators, we end up putting up with a lot during a negotiation. We know that no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we are using, we often make mistakes during a negotiation and all too often we end up punishing ourselves for the things that we think that we could have done better. … Read more

Who’s In Charge Of Your Negotiation?

The goal of any negotiation is to be able to reach a deal with the other side of the table no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are used. In order to make this happen, you need to be able to agree to things and then you need to be able to deliver on … Read more

Things That Can Trip Up A Negotiation At The Last Minute

We’ve all been there. We’ve been working on a negotiation with the other side for what now seems like forever. We’ve worked our way through issue after issue using all of our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques and we now believe that they’ve all been resolved to both side’s satisfaction. Both sides have been careful … Read more

Negotiators Need To Understand The Power Of “Fait Accompli”

I don’t know about you, but from my point-of-view it can take a very long time to negotiate certain things. You create your negotiating negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, spend your time talking with the other side for days, weeks or even months and then when all is over and done with, with a little … Read more

Welcome To The World Of Lowballing

When we are negotiating with someone, there has to be a basic level of trust between both sides. If we can’t believe what they commit to, then we can’t commit to doing a deal with them. Likewise, they have to be able to believe that after all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are … Read more

In A Negotiation You Have To Be Wary Of Found Information

I think that we can all agree that what it takes to succeed in a negotiation is for you to have the information that you need. Now, it this was a perfect world, you’d have access to even more information – the secret stuff. You know what I’m talking about, the other side’s strategy planning … Read more