Dealing With “What-If” During A Negotiation

The goal of any negotiation is to always be using our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to keep things moving forward. We want to eventually be able to reach a deal with the other side. The only way that we’re ever going to be able to get there is if we can make progress on … Read more

Dealing With The “Good Cop, Bad Cop” Tactic

When we are in a negotiation to sell something to the other side, we need to be aware of the fact that the buyer that we are dealing with has an extensive set of tactics that they can use in addition to negotiation styles and negotiating techniques. As negotiators it is going to be our … Read more

Getting The Other Side To Accept Change In A Negotiation

As negotiators it is our job to make change happen as a result of our negotiation. The other side showed up with some expectations about how the negotiation was going to go and we’ll spend our time trying to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to change their minds about this. However, even when … Read more

How To Get The Other Side To Say “Yes” To Your Offer

When we are involved in a negotiation, we make proposals to the other side of the table. If they like our proposal, then they’ll agree to it and we can strike a deal with them. However, if they don’t like our proposal, then we’re going to have to spend some time in discussions with them … Read more

How Negotiators Can Deal With Change

I often like to think about a negotiation as being very similar to being the pilot of an airplane. In order to keep the airplane flying, or for that matter to have any hope of landing it, you’ve got a lot of work to do. You have to make sure that the plane is going … Read more

What Should A Negotiator Do When The Price Goes Up?

The one thing that just about any negotiator does not want to have to deal with during a negotiation is a price increase. Look, it’s hard enough to hold our position with the price that our product or service has right now, let alone having to deal with a 5%, 10%, or even higher price … Read more

What Long Term Relationships Mean To Negotiators

The exciting part of a negotiation is in the beginning. You know the part: everyone’s sitting at the same table, there are a number of different issues that have to be worked out, but everyone is eager to see if they are going to be able use their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to reach … Read more

How To Create A Deal That Satisfies Everyone

So it turns out that just negotiating a deal is not enough. Sure, you spent the time using all of your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques in order to get a deal that you can live with, but that’s not going to be what really matters. What matters is having the other side of the … Read more

Negotiating Is All About Getting A Better Deal For Both Sides

When we are involved in a negotiation, all too often we approach it like a hunter would. We move into the territory, attempt to find a deal that will work for us, try to get it to show its head, and then we’ll shoot it when it’s in sight. Contrast this to a different approach … Read more

In A Negotiation, Funny Money Is No Laughing Matter

If you think about it, money is sorta a strange thing. I mean, by itself it really does not have any value – it’s just ink printed on paper, a plastic credit card, or a blank check. However, because we’ve all agreed that indeed money does have a value and that we are willing to … Read more