Negotiating The Hard Way

Every negotiation that we engage in is different. The other side of the table has their own set of goals that they want to accomplish and how they plan on going about achieving them can be different during each negotiation. Sometimes the other side may decide that they want to play hardball with us – … Read more

What Can Negotiators Learn From Police Hostage Negotiators?

As negotiators, we often view a negotiation that we are involved in as being a high-stakes operation. The future of the company, somebody’s career, or a quarter’s profits may all be on the line. However, nothing that we do stacks up to the challenges that are faced by police hostage negotiators. Each one of their … Read more

Defensive Negotiation Strategies That Negotiators Need To Know

When you sit down to a negotiation, who is sitting across the table from you? In most cases you are going to be looking at a talented negotiator who is also a skilled persuader. Just like you have a collection of negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you use during a negotiation, so do they. … Read more

What Tips Does A Negotiator Need To Know In Order To Close A Deal?

I can think of nothing more frustrating than being involved in a negotiation where you just don’t seem to be able to move the discussions to a close no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques you use. You are putting the time, energy, and effort into the negotiations and yet the end point just … Read more

Three Sources Of Power In Every Negotiation

So what do you really want to get out of your next negotiation? If you are like most of us, the answer is “the best deal possible”. This all sounds fine and good, but just exactly how does one go about getting the best deal possible during a negotiation? The answer is that if you … Read more

Negotiators Need To Learn How To Deal With The First Offer Dilemma

Just imagine the next negotiation that you are going to be involved in. You sit down at the table, you have your notes easily available to you, you’ve done your homework and you know who’s going to be negotiating with you today, you know what negotiation styles and negotiating techniques you want to use, and … Read more

Tips For Closing A Negotiation Faster

As negotiators we are always under pressure by our management to “close the deal”. I think that we are open to wrapping up our current negotiation as quickly as possible. However, we face a number of issues in trying to accomplish this no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we use. For a number … Read more

How To Become A Better Negotiator

Let’s face it, being a negotiator is a tough job. When we realize that we need to find a way to get better at the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we use, the realization that we need to improve can appear to be such a big task that we will have no idea how … Read more

The Reverse Auction Tactic

When we are negotiating with another party to sell them something, we need to be very careful how they are treating both us and the other vendors that they are talking with. The person who is buying the product is highly motivated to find a way to get the best possible price and to learn … Read more

How Can You Negotiate With Multiple Parties At The Same Time?

When you are planning your next negotiation, what is running through your mind? You can probably see yourself sitting at a table negotiating with the other side. This tends to be how we view most negotiations. However, it turns out that reality often looks much different than this. Negotiators often have to deal with more … Read more