Why Is Sincerity Important In A Negotiation?

Just exactly how important is honesty when it comes to negotiating? Sure we’d like to always be able to tell the truth, but sometimes it sure seems like it would make life just a little bit easier if we either didn’t say something or if we bent the truth just a bit. Likewise, can we … Read more

When You Are Negotiating, It’s Really All About Style

When we start a negotiation, we want things to go our way. The big question that we all wrestle with is just exactly how to make this happen? I believe that a lot of what determines how your next negotiation is going to turn out has to do with how the other side views you. … Read more

Three Tips For Building Trust In Your Next Negotiation

Being able to reach a deal with the other side of the table in a negotiation requires that both sides be willing to trust each other. However, as with so many other things in life, trust is something that does not just happen. As a negotiator you are going to have to work to get … Read more