Sales Negotiators Know Not To Give In First

I wish that there was some sort of black magic potion or single scientific study that I could point to in order to justify what I’m about to tell you, but there isn’t. So here it goes: never be the first to make a concession on a MAJOR issue. Why Should We Take The Hard … Read more

3 Things Every Sales Negotiator Needs To Know

Wouldn’t it be great if the best sales negotiators in the world could drop by our place and sit down with us for awhile to share what they’ve learned? If you knew that they were coming, what questions would you ask them? We’ve already talked about some of the things that master sales negotiators could … Read more

3 Secrets Successful Sales Negotiators Use To Win

Ok, so I’ll be the first to admit it – I used the forbidden word “win” in the title. In sales negotiations we prefer to not say “win” because it implies that there is also a “loser”. and that’s not a good thing. How about if we try something like “3 secrets to always walking … Read more

The Difference Between Sports And Sales Negotiation: Winning

What does it mean to “win” a sales negotiation? This sure looks like a simple question doesn’t it? I think that in our minds, we all know what we think winning looks like – after all, we see it in sports all the time. However, things are just a bit different when it comes to … Read more

Sales Negotiators Say The Strangest Things

Although I had intended to write this posting about how we need to be careful when we are documenting sales negotiations with people from other countries, I slowly realized that we need to be just as careful with folks who were brought up in the same country as us. So what’s the big deal about … Read more

Tips From The Middle East For Sales Negotiators

They say that the world is getting smaller every day. This may be true, but the people who live in this smaller world couldn’t be more different than they are! A case in point are the  sales negotiators who hail from the Middle East – Arabs if you will. Unlike us in the West who … Read more

The Chinese Guide To Sales Negotiation

Pity the poor American salesperson who goes out into the world of business and tries to negotiate. Sure, he/she is probably well equipped to negotiate with his / her American born-and-breed peers. I mean, after all, we share the same vocabulary, culture, and were brought up pretty much the same way. However, what happens when … Read more

A Sales Negotiator’s Friend: The Telephone

What’s your mental picture of a typical sales negotiation? When you close your eyes do you see a lushly carpeted board room with a large oval table in the center and padded leather chairs all around it? If so, then in most cases you are sadly mistaken. An amazing number of sales negotiations occur over … Read more

Even More Giving: 5 More Ways Sales Negotiators Can Use Concessions

You can never say it too many times: in order to reach an agreement with the other side during a sales negotiation, you ALWAYS have to make some sort of concession(s). The trick to doing this correctly is to make sure that you don’t make so many concessions that when a deal is struck that … Read more

Giving To Get: How A Sales Negotiator Makes Concessions

Sales negotiating is all about concessions. You make them, the other side makes them. Finally, if enough has been given, then you should be able to reach a common middle ground where a deal can be struck. The trick is knowing how and when you should make your concessions. Here are some tips from the … Read more