Can You Invest Too Much Into A Negotiation?

Face it, if you are willing to sit down and engage in a negotiation discussion with someone, then you are already committed to reaching a deal with them no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used. Where things can start to get interesting is when you become too committed to reaching a … Read more

Are Deadlines Really Real?

Every negotiation must come to an end sometime no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used. However, just exactly when it needs to wrap up is where there may be some disagreement. In order to help a negotiation wrap up sooner rather then later, often times a deadline gets thrown into the … Read more

Mistakes Happen – Admit Them

Did you know that I’m perfect? Well, ok, so I’m not really perfect. However, I’d be willing to bet that you are not perfect either. What this means for both of us is that during our next negotiation despite all of the clever negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we’ve been using, there is a … Read more

Don’t Let Your Shortcomings Affect Your Next Negotiation

I’m not perfect – are you? I’m willing to bet that you are willing to admit that, like me, you are not perfect. However, when we know that we are not perfect a most peculiar thing seems to happen: we try to ignore it. It turns out that this is a big mistake and when … Read more

4 Ways To Simplify Your Next Negotiation

Let’s face it – with all of the different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we use, negotiations can become very complex if we are not careful. As a negotiator you should always be looking for ways to simplify the negotiating process. However, at the same time you need to make sure that you’ll be … Read more

The Power Of Favors During A Negotiation

In a negotiation we want the other side of the table to make concessions to us so that we can get what we need out of the negotiations. However, in all honesty, no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we use, they probably are really not all that motivated to give us the concessions … Read more

Negotiators Know The Power Of The Word “Free”

As negotiators we all know that it is possible for a negotiation to grind to a halt. We can get very, very close to reaching a deal with the other side of the table, but for some unknown reason despite all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we’ve been using, we just are … Read more

Let Mr. Zipf Help You Win To Your Next Negotiation

Ok, so I admit it, “win” is generally not a term that we are supposed to use when talking about a negotiation. Remember, it’s not about winning or losing a negotiation, but rather how you play the game. However, let’s say that what I really mean is that no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating … Read more

Why Understanding How The Other Side Thinks Is So Important In A Negotiation

I can only speak for myself, but as of yet I have not figured that whole “mind reading” thing out. What this means is that if I want to understand how the other side of the table is viewing the negotiation that we are currently involved in no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques … Read more