When The Other Side Knows Everything, Give Them Very Little

Every time that we sit down to negotiate with someone, we are encountering a new personality with new negotiation styles and negotiating techniques. When we run into someone who believes that they know everything we can use this to get what we want from the negotiation. All you have to do is to remember that … Read more

The Power Of Being Humble In A Negotiation

Our goal in any negotiation is to get the deal that we want. Exactly how we can go about getting that deal is where things start to get just a bit tricky. When we encounter a negotiator who is very, very confident, this opens a door for us that is not normally there. When the … Read more

How To Deal With A Know-It-All In A Negotiation

If your goal in life is to meet all sorts of different types of people, then you most defiantly do want to become a negotiator. Sitting across from us at the negotiating table will be a parade of just about every type of person that you could possibly imagine and they’ll be using a wide … Read more

3 Ways For A Negotiator To Deal With Intimidation

In a perfect world, there would not be any intimidation when we negotiate. Both sides would treat each other with respect and neither side would feel the need to attempt to use brute force negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to get their way. The unfortunate reality is that we don’t live in a perfect world … Read more

Dealing With People Who Intimidate During A Negotiation

When was the last time that you met a bully? I’d be willing that there is a good chance that you were in a negotiation when this happened. For some odd reason, the field of negotiating, that delicate science of finding a deal that works for both sides, attracts more than its fair share of … Read more

Why Changing Your Mind During A Negotiation Is A Bad Thing

In this world in which we all live, it turns out that pretty much nothing is ever set in stone. In a negotiation, we tend to forget this basic fact. We work with the other side to find agreement on the individual issues that make up that which is being negotiated. Once an agreement on … Read more

How To Defend Against A “Take It Or Leave It” Position

Negotiating is tough work. We are not always able to reach a point in the negotiation where both sides of the table are able to agree on a deal no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we use. In fact, it is very likely that at some point in the negotiations one side of … Read more

Good Negotiators Know To Always Keep A Door Open

What’s your approach to negotiation styles and negotiating techniques? Are you an “all in” sort of person? Are you out to “win” this negotiation no matter what the cost to either you or the other side turns out to be? I’ve got some issues with negotiators who take that position, but if this is the … Read more

How Negotiators Can Use “Take It Or Leave It”

In every negotiation we can reach a point where we’re done. We’ve said what we needed to say. We’ve made all of the concessions that we plan on making. We think that the other side has given us as much as they are going to give us. Investing any more time in this negotiation or … Read more

When You Control The Pace Of A Negotiation, You Control The Negotiation

Ultimately, any negotiation is about control. Who has it, who wants it, who is getting it. You want to be the one who is in control of your next negotiation no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used. However, how to make that happen is always the big question. It turns out … Read more