During A Negotiation It’s All About The Bargain

What do you think the other side of the table is looking to get out of their negotiation with you? A lower price? More quantity? Better delivery dates? These may all be true, but deep down inside what the other side wants to walk away from the table after all of the negotiation styles and … Read more

How You Can Use Patience To Overcome A Deadline In A Negotiation

Every negotiation is a battle of wits between two sides. The other side needs you to do what they want you to do and so they’ll be trying to use a number of different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to make this happen. One technique that they may try to use on you is to … Read more

To Get The Deal That You Want, You’re Going To Have To Make Concessions

As we prepare to start our next negotiation, more often than not we are focused on what we think that all of our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are going to be help us to get the deal that we want from the other side of the table. This is a valid thought; however, it’s … Read more

What Does It Take To Feel Good About A Negotiation?

So here’s an interesting question for you: what is the goal of your next negotiation. Yes, yes, I know that you want to walk away from the table with a good deal (and so does the other side), but is that really your goal for the negotiations? Do you think that it would be possible … Read more

What Does The Other Side Want In A Negotiation?

When we think about getting ready for our next negotiation, what do we really spend our time thinking about? We probably review all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we plan on using and that we expect the other side to try to use against us. Hopefully we’ll also spend some time taking … Read more

Stop Saying Dumb Things During Your Negotiations!

A lot of times when we look back over a negotiation that we’ve participated in, we’ll try to determine where things went wrong. How did a negotiation that was supposed to be simple suddenly become so hard? We might want to think that the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that the other side put them … Read more

What Will It Take To Make The Other Side Feel Satisfied?

As we prepare for our next negotiation with all of its negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, it can be all too easy for us to focus on what we want to get out of the negotiation. I mean, that’s really why we’re going to go to the effort of participating, right? It turns out that … Read more

A Negotiator’s Greatest Friend Is Time

The goal of any negotiation is for us to be able to walk away with the deal that we wanted to get no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques were used. The trick, as we all know, is just exactly how to go about making this happen. It turns out that if we want … Read more

Using Countermeasures During A Negotiation

When we are negotiating with someone, we need to understand that in addition to a number of different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques they are going to be using tactics to get what they want out of the negotiations. As a negotiator, you need to be able to recognize when they are using tactics, you … Read more

Three Ways Buyers Try To Get A Lower Price From Sellers

When we have something to sell, we end up working with a buyer sitting on the other side of the table from us. That person has one job in the world – use negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to get us to lower our price and throw in as many concessions as they can possibly … Read more