During A Negotiation, We Hear What We Want To Hear

How good are your ears? Do you feel that they are working the way that they should be? Do you think that you can hear what other people are saying? Can you hear this during a negotiation? I’d be willing to bet that most of us think that our ears work just fine while we … Read more

Every Negotiation Is All About Time

So what’s your goal for your next negotiation? If I was going to hazard a guess, I’d be willing to bet that in one way shape or form you are going to be trying to maximize the amount of money that you walk away from the table with no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating … Read more

In Negotiating, It’s All About What You Know

If you have a chance to talk with experienced negotiators, you’ll often hear them tell you “knowledge is power”. What they are talking about, in simple terms, is that the more that you know as you go into a negotiation, the better you can expect to do during the negotiations no matter what negotiation styles … Read more

Using The Power Of Legitimacy In A Negotiation

It’s actually sorta interesting. As negotiators we go into a negotiation expecting to use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to have an extended discussion with the other side regarding the deal that is on the table before us. Depending on what is at stake, these discussions may continue for quite some time and may … Read more

When You Negotiate, You’re Taking A Risk

A quick show of hands please: who among us likes taking risks? Hmm, not very many hands are up. That’s pretty much par for the course. However, no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, risk plays a big part in every negotiation that we take part in. In fact, risk is … Read more

The Power Of Woo When It Comes Time To Negotiate

It pretty much goes without saying that our goal in any negotiation is to find a way to convince the other side of the table to do what we want them to do. During a negotiation we may try to use different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, but in the end what we really need … Read more

The 4 Types Of Commitment You Have To Bring To A Negotiation

As negotiators we understand that a great deal of what it takes to be successful in a negotiation resides in our head. How we view the negotiation, how we view the other side of the table, etc. are all key parts to what kind of deal we can expect to walk away with. However, there … Read more

One Source Of Power For You In A Negotiation: Your Competition

One of the biggest challenges that we all face when we are negotiating is not the negotiation styles or negotiating techniques that will be used, but rather the simple fact that the people that we are negotiating with have other options. If they don’t like what we have to offer to them, then they can … Read more

It’s Power That Drives A Negotiation

When I’m working with negotiators who are just starting out, I’m often asked the question “how can I win a negotiation?” Outside of the obvious issue with “winning” a negotiation, the question is actually a fairly good question. What my students are really asking me is what they can do in order to make sure … Read more

When You Are Negotiating, You Get What You Ask For

When you are negotiating with someone, should you aim high and risk losing the deal or should you aim low and risk leaving money on the table? We’ve all heard the phrase “Ask for more and you’ll get more” right? However, in the world of high stakes negotiating with all of its negotiation styles and … Read more