The Reverse Auction Tactic

When we are negotiating with another party to sell them something, we need to be very careful how they are treating both us and the other vendors that they are talking with. The person who is buying the product is highly motivated to find a way to get the best possible price and to learn … Read more

What Ebay Can Teach A Sales Negotiator

Everyone’s heard about the web site Ebay right? That’s where you can go to auction off any junk that you don’t want to have lying around your place any more or where you can go to purchase a GI Joe doll that you remember from your childhood (in its original box!) It turns out that … Read more

Negotiating Self Defense: Countering The Reverse Auction Tactic

I’ve always liked superheros. From my earliest days of reading comic books to my current-day trips to the movie theater to see Spiderman and Iron Man, I just don’t seem to be able to get my fill of superheros. I believe that superheros, although fictional (probably – however I still have hope), can teach us … Read more

Negotiation Tactic: The Reverse Auction

In the world of negotiations, there are few tactics as old and as well thought of as the “reverse auction”. This is a powerful negotiating technique that allows a buyer to get the sellers to offer their best pricing for the most amount of work. Not bad if you are a buyer, eh? Check out … Read more