Secrets To Preparing For A Successful Negotiation

The ultimate goal of any negotiation is to be able to walk away from the table with the feeling that you were able to get what you came for. The trick is trying to understand just exactly how you can make that feeling happen. It turns out that the secret to conducting a successful negotiation … Read more

Power Play: Secrets To Successful Negotiating

Would you like to be a better negotiator? Sure, we all would. The trick is finding out just exactly how to move from where our negotiating skills currently are to where we’d like them to be. It turns out that it’s not all about who has the best negotiation styles and negotiating techniques. There’s got … Read more

Extreme Negotiating: How To Do Your Best When Under Pressure

Those of us who deal in the world of negotiations know that not all negotiations are created equal. One of the biggest differences is the amount of pressure that we find ourselves under during the negotiation. The bigger the stakes are, the more pressure that we feel that we are under. How we deal with … Read more

Tips For Conducting High-Stress Negotiations

Not all negotiations are the same. Some can make you feel a great deal of stress: perhaps large financial terms are being negotiated or a big business deal is being put together. When your stress level goes up, a different style of negotiating is called for. It’s All About The Big Picture The last thing … Read more

What Does It Take To Become A Successful Negotiator?

We can very easily get all caught up in thinking about how to be successful in our next negotiation. When we do this, we tend to focus on what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques we plan on using in our next negotiation. This misses the point – negotiations are discussions between people and we always … Read more

Negotiators Need To Make Sure They Don’t Break The Law Of Unintended Consequences

So you think that you are hot stuff do you Mr. / Ms. Negotiator? Well, guess what – you still have to live in a place where the law of unintended consequences rules the land. What this means is that all too often, a negotiation can result in consequences that you never saw coming… What … Read more

To Prepare For The Future, You Need To Learn To Delight Your Customer

Just exactly what will it take to make your next negotiation a success? Sorry about this, but it’s not going to be the negotiation styles or negotiating techniques that you use. If we keep in mind the cardinal rule of negotiating that each negotiation is just a single step along a path with the other … Read more

It’s Closing Time: How To Wrap Up A Negotiation

No negotiation has ever been designed to go on and on forever. However, sometimes it sure seems like the negotiation that we are involved in will never end. That’s why one of the skills that every negotiator needs to have is the ability to get the other side of the table to start to wrap … Read more

Hey Negotiator, Did Someone Say “Audit”?

I was wondering, could you take just a moment and remind me why we go to the effort of participating in a negotiation? Yeah, yeah – I know that one of the reasons is so that we can reach a deal with the other side. However, I don’t think that that is the only reason … Read more

How Negotiators Prepare To Handle The “Deal Killers”

During a negotiation there comes a time when you believe that you can see beyond the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques and start to see the end of the negotiation. Both sides of the table have been going back and forth for a while and it’s starting to look like you are going to be … Read more