How Do You Close A Negotiation? One Nibble At A Time…

Have you ever heard the phrase “it’s not over until it’s over”? The person who said this was clearly talking about a negotiation because experienced negotiators know that a negotiation is never over until they say that it’s over. Welcome To The World Of Nibbling After both sides of the table have reached an agreement … Read more

The Mental Side Of Closing A Negotiation

Have you ever heard the phrase “it’s not over until it’s over”? I’m not sure where this phrase comes from, but it sure could be applied to a number of the negotiations that I’ve been involved in. These never-ending negotiations never seemed to want to close. What’s a negotiator to do? 5 Ways To Get … Read more

2 Tips For Resolving Deadlocks When The Other Side Just Isn’t Listening To You

Just exactly who are these negotiations being conducted with? If I asked you this question, you’d probably tell me that you are negotiating with the other side of the table. You’d be both right and wrong. The negotiation process is much more complicated and you need to understand why if you are going to reach … Read more

Almost There: How To Move Towards The Close Of A Negotiation

Do you remember that scene early on in the movie Star Wars when Ben Kenobi tells the Imperial Troopers that “…these are not the droids that you are looking for…” and then they walk away? It is exactly that kind of mind control that negotiators wish that they had when it comes time to wrap … Read more

Sales Negotiators Need To Know When Done Is Done

Thank goodness, you’ve finally reached an agreement with the other side of the table. That means that the negotiations are now done and both sides can put their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques away. Well, maybe not quite. If you haven’t nailed down just exactly what “done” means, then you’re not done yet. The Problem … Read more

Why “Off-The-Record” Is An Important Part Of Closing Every Negotiation

Just exactly how do you think that a negotiation lurches closer and closer to a resolution? If you think that it happens because of all of the clever negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that both sides use, think again. It turns out that there is a secret to making progress towards an eventual deal in … Read more

Two Ways To Get The Other Side To Close The Deal

I truly enjoy participating in a negotiation. However, even I know that all good things eventually comes to an end – at some point it’s time to put away all of our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques because you’ve got to close the negotiation and reach a deal. How to close a negotiation is an … Read more

Let’s Get Physical – How Negotiators Close A Deal

Just exactly how does a negotiator wrap things up? I mean, you are all done with the negotiations and you really don’t want to have any more discussions with the other side of the table; however, they appear to be prepared to continue talking. What do you do in order to signal that the negotiations … Read more

Sales Negotiators Know That Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Have you ever been involved in a negotiation and you could start to see the end of the negotiation show up? You’re tired, and you just want this one to be over. It can be awful easy to start to make a run for the finish line. However, professional sales negotiators know that this is … Read more

Negotiators Need To Know How Much Of A Contract Needs To Be Enforced

Can I tell you something? Can you keep a secret? Contacts are boring. Not only are they that, but generally speaking they are both long and boring. That’s why it can be very easy for negotiators to not pay a great deal of attention to exactly what is in a contact and it turns out … Read more