Negotiators Want To Know: Are There Any Rules In Negotiations?

Can you lie during a negotiation? That’s actually a really good question that every negotiator needs to find their own answer for. It sure would help if there were some rules that we knew that everyone was going to follow during a negotiation regarding which negotiation styles or negotiating techniques were permitted. This leads us … Read more

Negotiators Need To Know: When Is A Negotiation Truly Over?

I believe that we can all recognize when a negotiation starts. It might even be possible to recognize when a negotiation is about half-way through – some issues have been resolved, more remain to be discussed. However, push aside all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are involved in a negotiation and one … Read more

To Be A Successful Negotiator, You Need To Know The Other Side’s Story

As we prepare for a negotiation, it can be very easy to focus on the wrong thing. We think about the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we plan on using during the negotiations and we forget that what is really important is sitting on the other side of the table from us. The other … Read more

Testing Is What Good Negotiators Do Best

I’m not sure how you felt about testing back when you were in school, but I can tell you that I really didn’t like it. However, I’ve put that all behind me now that I negotiate. It turns out that testing is something that every negotiator needs to be good at even if that means … Read more

Only Brave Negotiators End Up Being Successful

In order to be successful during a negotiation, what skills are really required? One skill that is all too often overlooked in my opinion is bravery. I like to define bravery as the willingness to try something that just might fail. If you are willing to take this leap of faith, sometime you can rescue … Read more

3 Ways To Become A Better Negotiator

In every negotiator’s career, there comes a time when we hit a wall. We’ve believe that we’ve learned all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that there are to learn. We know how good we are right now, we know that we can become better, but we simply don’t know how to make that … Read more

Don’t Show Up For A Negotiation If You’re Not Ready For Conflict

How do you feel about conflict? I’m hoping that you don’t shy away from it when it shows up, because no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, there is always going to be some conflict in every negotiation. It’s not the conflict that causes the problems in negotiations, but rather the … Read more

2 Things They Don’t Teach You In Negotiation School

When you enter the world of professional negotiations, there are some basic skills that you need to pick up. However, those skills don’t cover all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you are going to need in order to be successful. Among the additional skills that you’ll need are the following two tactics. … Read more

Why Doubt Is A Good Thing For Negotiators To Have

As human beings, we are naturally inclined to believe what other people tell us. That’s how we make it through a day and that’s how we are able to get things done. Then there are negotiations. The other side of the table wants something from us and we can’t always be certain that they are … Read more

2 Ways To Get More Out Of Your Next Negotiation

Every time that we enter into a negotiation, we always have one single goal in mind: how can I get more? We want to be able to walk away from the table with more than we arrived with. In order to make that happen, I have two valuable suggestions for you to use during your … Read more