The Role Of Anchoring Bias In A Negotiation

Anchors can change how a negotiation turns out

If ever there was a fundamental question in negotiation, it would probably not be which negotiation styles or negotiating techniques to use, but rather it would have to be the classic “should I make the first offer or wait for the other side to make the first offer” question. For the longest time, the thinking … Read more

Put The Power Of ZOPA To Work For You In Your Next Negotiation

In order to reach a deal, first you need to know what your zone of agreement is

Let’s face it – negotiating is not an easy thing to do. There is all of the preparation that goes into it, there is the effort of actually doing it using all of our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, and then, with a little luck, there will be a deal that both sides will agree … Read more

Defensive Negotiation Strategies That Every Negotiator Needs To Know

When you are on the defensive, you’ll need strategies to get the job done

If this was a perfect world, then every time that you went into a negotiation you would be facing someone who was doing this for the first time. They would be unsure of themselves and they would end up making all sorts of very basic mistakes. However, it’s not a perfect world and more often … Read more

How To Close A Deal When You Have Already Tried Everything

Sometimes it can be very difficult to get to “closed”

So just exactly how does a negotiation end? Either both parties give up and walk away with no deal being reached, or you are somehow able to use your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to find a way to close the deal. It’s this deal closing thing that can be so tricky to do sometimes. … Read more

The Challenge Of Attempting To Negotiate Online

Online negotiating is different than negotiating face-to-face

Welcome to the modern world that we are all living in! In the old days, if you wanted to negotiate with someone you had to show up, sit down at the negotiation table, and then proceed to use your negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to have a lengthy discussion with them. In our modern times, … Read more

The Accidental Negotiator Podcast Now Available!

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Good news! The Accidental Negotiator blog is now being supported by a brand new podcast called (what else) “The Accidental Negotiator”. This new podcast is available on the Anchor podcasting service (just purchased by Spotify!). If you don’t have time to read the latest The Accidental Negotiator updates, then listen to them! Click here to … Read more

What Are The Top 10 Skills That Every Negotiator Needs To Have?

Get good at these skills and you'll be able to get the deals that you want

As negotiators we all want to get better. One of the challenges that we face in trying to do this is that we often don’t know what areas we should be working on. When you look at what negotiating consists of, there are many different areas such as negotiation styles and negotiating techniques and if … Read more

How To Create Value During A Negotiation

Resources in a negotiation are not really a fixed pie

At lot of us go into a negotiation like we are getting ready to go to war. We do our research, make sure that we know who we’re going to be going up against, prepare our demands and then use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to charge into battle. To us a negotiation is … Read more

Is Your Next Negotiation Going To Create A Mutually Beneficial Agreement?

Every negotiation should be about value creation

Mutually beneficial agreements are something that is often talked about, but does anyone really understand what is meant by them? Different negotiators view them in different ways. Some believe that a mutually beneficial agreement simply means that both sides have used their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to jump into the negotiation and attempted to … Read more