Dealing With The Challenge Of Cognitive Bias
Negotiators need to understand that sometimes we tend to rely on our intuition too often and we need to have strategies that will allow us to stop dong this
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Use Sales Negotiation And Persuasion Skills Effectively
Negotiators need to understand that sometimes we tend to rely on our intuition too often and we need to have strategies that will allow us to stop dong this
Negotiators need to realize that the other side may have a set of bias that they bring to a negotiation and we need to recognize and deal with this
Negotiators who want to become better need to understand that they may be subscribing to negotiating myths that they need to cast off
Negotiators can control negotiations that deal with prices by anchoring the price at the start of the negotiation and using ranges to get the best deal
I think that all of us would be willing to admit that we don’t know everything. When it comes to a negotiation, if we’ve never negotiated with the other side before, we understand that it would be wise to go have a talk with someone who has negotiated with them before. When we consult with … Read more
When we picture ourselves in a negotiation, we often see ourselves using our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to make a point. Or perhaps at the board drawing out a scenario. Or maybe even handing papers to the other side for them to review. What we don’t often see is ourselves on the defensive. However, … Read more
When we enter into a negotiation, we’d like to think that our minds are clear and that we are gong to be able to think systematically throughout the negotiations as we use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques. However, all too often it turns out that we are being affected by bias that can change … Read more
If ever there was a fundamental question in negotiation, it would probably not be which negotiation styles or negotiating techniques to use, but rather it would have to be the classic “should I make the first offer or wait for the other side to make the first offer” question. For the longest time, the thinking … Read more
If this was a perfect world, then every time that you went into a negotiation you would be facing someone who was doing this for the first time. They would be unsure of themselves and they would end up making all sorts of very basic mistakes. However, it’s not a perfect world and more often … Read more