The Secret Goal Of Every Negotiation

Have you ever suspected that there was some secret negotiation styles or negotiating techniques to negotiating that the really good negotiators knew that you didn’t? Well, I’m not going to guarantee that they knew the one secret that you have to know if you want to be a success at negotiating; however, I am willing … Read more

What Is Rapport And How Can A Negotiator Get It?

When you spend time thinking about what it takes to reach a deal with the other side of the table no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, something becomes clear very quickly. If the other side is not comfortable dealing with you, if they don’t trust what you tell them, then … Read more

Why Trust Is So Important In A Negotiation

In order to be a successful negotiator, you are going to have to build a reputation that makes others want to negotiate with you. One of the most important parts of this reputation is going to be just how much the other side of the table trusts you. Yes, you can use all of the … Read more

New Book: Preparing For Your Next Negotiation

It turns out that most negotiations are over even before they begin. The team that has spent the most time planning for the negotiation, doing their homework, and collecting the data that they’ll need is the one that’s going to walk away from the table with the best deal. Wouldn’t you want that team to … Read more

Do You Have The Personality Needed For Negotiation?

Quick: define what you think the perfect negotiation would be. What came into your mind? Did you see yourself showing up at the bargaining table, laying out your demands, getting agreement from the other side of the table, and then going home? Bad news if that is your dream because it’s never going to happen … Read more

4 Tips For Conducting A Successful Negotiation

In order to be successful in your next negotiation, you need to know what kind of goals you are going to have to set for yourself. You can think of these goals as providing you with “tips for success” as you face all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that will show up in … Read more

3 Goals That You Need To Have For Every Negotiation

If I was to ask you what you were hoping to get out of your next negotiation, what would you tell me? I’m willing to bet that it would be something along the lines of “to get a good deal”. Sure, that’s something that we all want, but if you took the time to think … Read more

3 Things That A Negotiation Is NOT

As negotiators we spend a lot of time trying to understand just exactly what this thing that we call a negotiation is. We can get lost in the study of countless different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques . It turns out that we’re probably not spending enough time thinking about something else that is just … Read more

What Is The Real Goal Of Any Negotiation?

I’d like to clear something up right off the bat. Negotiating is not something that you and I do every once in awhile. It’s not limited to something that we prepare for and then come to a room, sit down, and start. Rather, it’s a part of every day of our lives. We negotiate with … Read more

Just Exactly What Is A Negotiation?

Before you can have any hope of becoming a better negotiator, you need to make sure that you fully understand just exactly what a negotiation is. Forget about all of those negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, just exactly is a negotiation? All too often a lot of us jump into a negotiation thinking that it … Read more