Negotiators Know To Never Take Things At Face Value

Ah trust. It’s one of the little things that allows us to interact with people every day – we assume that they will do what they promise to do and likewise the people that we interact with assume that we’ll keep our word. You would think that going into a negotiation, there would need to … Read more

Negotiators Need To Learn When To Bend Without Breaking

Hey hard-charging negotiator, when your next negotiation starts will you have a plan mapped out for how you are going to be able to get to a deal with the other side? If so, how committed to that plan are you going to be – are you going to follow that plan no matter what … Read more

The Negotiating Trust Discount Factor

Can you negotiate with the other side of the table if they don’t trust you? It’s an interesting question and more than once I’ve run into negotiators who have told me that the answer is “no”. I believe that they are wrong, yes you can negotiate with just about anybody no matter if they trust … Read more

Negotiators Need To Know How To Shift Into The Right Gear

I’ve got a quick question for you: would it be possible for you to drive from one location to another if you had to use a single gear on your car? The answer is “maybe”, but it sure would take a long time and that would not be a fun trip. As negotiators, we need … Read more

New book – Learn How To Signal In Your Next Negotiation

The art of negotiation depends on your ability to successfully communicate with the other side of the table. An important part of this communication is your ability to signal to the other side what your intentions are. Likewise, they will be signaling to you what they want to accomplish. What You’ll Find Inside: ESCALATION POWER: … Read more

3 Secrets For Finding Satisfaction In Your Next Negotiation

“Satisfaction” is a great word – doesn’t it sound like something that we’d all like to achieve every time we start a negotiation? As great as this concept is, despite all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that we’ve learned, just exactly how to achieve it is something that seems to elude negotiators because … Read more

New Book: Learn How To Argue In Your Next Negotiation

We all know how we want our next negotiation to end – with a good deal for us. However, what all too often we don’t spend enough time on understanding is how important our ability to successfully argue our points will be in order to get to that desired deal. What You’ll Find Inside: POWER … Read more

Good Negotiating Is All About Connecting With The Other Side

The goal of any negotiation is for you to find a way to reach a deal with the other side of the table. Once we get beyond all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that are involved in negotiating, it really comes down to finding the answer to one primary question: what is it … Read more

Three Tips For Building Trust In Your Next Negotiation

Being able to reach a deal with the other side of the table in a negotiation requires that both sides be willing to trust each other. However, as with so many other things in life, trust is something that does not just happen. As a negotiator you are going to have to work to get … Read more