How To Use The Critical Path Tool In Your Next Negotiation

As negotiators we are always looking for a better way to conduct our next negotiation. What we’re looking for is are things like negotiation styles or negotiating techniques that we can use to gain the upper hand during the negotiation. It turns out that one of most powerful tools that we can use is something … Read more

4 Ways That Negotiators Can Use A Deadline To Get What They Want

Life is filled with deadlines and negotiations are no different. What this means for us negotiators is that we need to find a way to make deadlines work for us, not against us. In order to make this happen, we need to know just a bit about how deadlines work and I know 4 ways … Read more

3 Ways To Be A Pace Master In Your Next Negotiation

In your next negotiation, no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used, there will be a pace at which the negation moves. One or the other side of the table will be controlling this pace. The big question is will it be you? If you can agree with me that it would … Read more

Fast Or Slow: What’s The Right Speed For Your Next Negotiation?

We often spend time talking about the negotiation styles or negotiating techniques that should be used in our next negotiation; however, we rarely ever spend any time talking about .how fast the negotiations should go. Should you next negotiation be a fast negotiation or a slow negotiation? Why Quick Deals Are Never A Good Idea … Read more

What Negotiators Need The Most Begins With A “T”

At the end of the day, all negotiators want to achieve the same thing: a good deal. The question that we all face is just exactly how go about making this happen in our next negotiation. No matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used in a negotiation, there is one skill that … Read more

How Negotiators Can Make Ziff’s Principle Work For Them In A Negotiation

Can we all agree that negotiations are complicated things? I mean, just think about all of the work that you put into preparing for you last negotiation – you did put in a lot of work preparing, didn’t you? It turns out that there’s been some very fascinating research done about how much effort people … Read more

What Negotiators Need To Know About Schmoozing

Psst. Would you like to know a secret? It turns out no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are used in a negotiation, you can ensure that you’ll get what you want even before the negotiation starts. Do I have your interest now? This is going to take some work on your part, but … Read more

What The FBI Can Teach Us About How To Negotiate

When it comes to negotiating, it’s always a good idea to find somebody who has done it before and learn from them. A good example of this would be Chris Voss. Chris worked for the FBI and was once the FBI’s chief international kidnapping negotiator, working on about 150 cases worldwide over his 24-year career. … Read more

Have You Done Your Homework Negotiator?

If you think of a negotiation as a process that flows from beginning to end, then the first part of the process has to be preparation. We all know that it is not necessary to prepare for a negotiation – we probably know people who have just jumped into a negotiation without properly preparing (perhaps … Read more

Negotiators Know That It’s Always Showtime!

What’s your basic approach to a negotiation? Do you slide in silently, prepared for a long drawn-out battle just hoping that through the use of the correct negotiation styles and negotiating techniques you’ll be the one who wears down the other side first in order to be able to walk away with the best deal? … Read more