How Committed Is The Other Side To This Negotiation?

Generally speaking, when we enter into a negotiation we have a reason for doing so. We are either seeking a deal for ourselves or we are operating at the request of someone else. However, there is a key question that as negotiators we need to find an answer to in each negotiation: just exactly how … Read more

The Power Of Silence In A Negotiation

Let’s face it: as negotiators, we talk a lot. We open the negotiation by stating our position, we argue with the other side about their positions, and we use our negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to talk through the issues that are preventing us from reaching a deal. The one thing that really does not … Read more

The Power Of Commitment In A Negotiation

When you think about your next negotiation, what comes to mind? Do you see yourself locked into a small, hot room with the other side staring at each other over an old, battered wooden table using all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you know? If you do, then you are probably mistaken. … Read more

How Much Risk Is Too Much Risk In A Negotiation?

Risk is a funny thing. A lot of us would like to be able to live a life that was filled with certainty. We’d like to know what was going to happen today as well as tomorrow. However, as we all know, life really doesn’t work that way. We understand the simple truth that everything … Read more

The Role Of Legitimacy In A Negotiation

Everybody likes a bit of stability in their lives. As negotiators we enjoy having some stability in our negotiations no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used. However, we can run into problems when manifestations of control slide into a negotiation and end up stifling innovation, repressing new ideas, and in some … Read more

Where Does Power Come From In A Negotiation?

What do you need to do before a negotiation formally starts? Well, there are actually a number of different things that you should be doing, but one of the most important is to take a careful inventory of all of the “power assets” that will be potentially available to both sides during the negotiation. The … Read more

Successful Negotiating Is All About Believing

As we prepare for our next negotiation, we go through a mental checklist of all of the things that we need to do. We make sure that we know who we’ll be negotiating with, we make sure that we understand the issues that will be discussed and we know which ones are the most important … Read more

Playing With Power: How To Use It And Not Get Used By It

Who gets what out of a negotiation is often determined not by what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used but rather by who has the most power. This is actually sort of an amusing thing because of the very nature of power – we can’t see it, we don’t know who has it … Read more

How To Get The Other Side To Tell You What You Need To Know

I’m all about doing my homework before I start a negotiation. I’ll have a talk with Google, call up people that the other side of the table have negotiated with in the past, and I’ll study the issues that we’ll be discussing. However, no matter how good of a job that I do in preparing … Read more

The Challenge Of Getting Accurate Information In A Negotiation

If you want to have any hope of getting the deal that you are seeking out of your next negotiation, then you’re going to need some information in order to be able to make the right decisions. Yes, you’ll need to do some homework and see what you can find out about the other side … Read more