What Are The Attributes Of A Good Negotiator?

Not everyone is cut out to become a negotiator. There is a certain set of skills that every negotiator needs to have and not everyone has them. Even those of us who find ourselves doing this type of thing for a living realize that there is a certain set of skills along with knowledge of … Read more

It’s The Information That You Collect That Determines The Deal That You’ll Get

So what’s the key to conducting a successful negotiation? Is it knowing the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques that you are going to need to get what you want? Is it making sure that you have all of the time in the world so that you can wait the other side out? It turns out … Read more

Negotiating Is All About Satisfaction

So just exactly what is the goal of your next negotiation going to be? Sure, after all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are over and done with you’d like to be able to walk away from the bargaining table with the deal that you are looking for, but what is it going to … Read more

Successful Negotiating Always Involves Giving

I can only speak for myself, but when I think about negotiating, I often think about taking. What can I get from the other side? What negotiation styles or negotiating techniques can I use to I talk them into giving up more concessions to me? However, it turns out that I (and a lot of … Read more

A Checklist For Making Concessions In A Negotiation

Everyone starts a negotiation with a goal in mind of what they’d like to be able to get out of the negotiation no matter what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are involved. As the negotiation proceeds, both sides engage in give and take where they both make and receive concessions. As the negotiation proceeds forward, … Read more

When Should You Start To Prepare To Negotiate?

When you know that you will be involved in a negotiation in the future, when should you start to prepare for that negotiation? If you are like most of us, using the techniques that we probably learned back in high school, we tend to put off the getting ready work until the date that the … Read more

The Role That Time Plays In A Negotiation

I’m pretty sure that if there is one thing that we can all agree on, it’s that there never seems to be enough time to get our negotiations done. Sure, every negotiation seems to start out with enough time, but then all of a sudden after all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques have … Read more

Success In Negotiating Has To Do With Your State Of Mind

Whenever we start a negotiation, we go into the negotiation with high hopes. We would like to be able to walk away from the discussions after all of the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques are over with the deal that we are looking for. However, that does not always happen. What is it that makes … Read more

How To Get The Other Side To Say “Yes” During A Negotiation

If only we had the negotiation styles and negotiating techniques to put words in the mouth of the other side of the table during a negotiation! We can’t actually do this, so we spend a great deal of time looking for clever ways to get them to say the things that we want them to … Read more

In A Negotiation You Always Have To Be Looking For The Icebergs

When a negotiation starts, we often listen to what the other side is telling us using all of their negotiation styles and negotiating techniques and we believe that we know what they want. However, in a lot of cases we are wrong. What’s going on here? It’s actually pretty simple – the other side may … Read more