Negotiators Need To Find Ways To Avoid Turf Battles In A Negotiation
When negotiators are negotiating about a limited resource a turf battle can erupt and when it does they need to know techniques they can use to defuse it
The Premier Blog For Learning How To Use Sales Negotiation And Persuasion Skills Effectively
When negotiators are negotiating about a limited resource a turf battle can erupt and when it does they need to know techniques they can use to defuse it
When you become the best sales negotiator in the world you’ll be right all the time. However, since you’re not there yet, you should expect to be wrong – not all the time, but at least some of the time. There are a lot of different ways to handle this, what’s the right way? Why … Read more
When we start a sales negotiation, we have certain expectations about how it’s going to go. If we’re selling something, then we believe that the other side will state what they are interested in buying, we’ll have some discussions and we’ll eventually provide them with a proposal. We then expect them to react to the … Read more